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Naples is the capital of the Italian region Campania and the third-largest municipality in
Italy, after Rome and Milan, situated in the Europe Continent . About 4 million people live in
the Naples metropolitan area, one of the largest metropolises on the Mediterranean Sea.
Naples has a Mediterranean climate with mild, wet winters and hot, dry summers.
The city is situated on the Gulf of Naples, on the western coast of Southern Italy; it rises
from sea level to an elevation of 450 metres (1,480 ft). The small rivers which formerly
crossed the center of the city have since been covered over by construction. It lies between
two notable volcanic regions, Mount Vesuvius and the Phlegraean Fields.
The Roman ruins of Pompeii, Herculaneum, Oplontis and Stabiae, which were
destroyed in the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 a.d, are also visible nearby. Naples is the seat of
Catholicism and is highly important to the populace; there are hundreds of churches in the
city. The largest monastery in Naples is thought to have been the setting in which Boccaccio
met his Fammetta and also where the city officials met.
Naples is worth to be known better, for a too long time it was buried under a mountain
of prejudices and preconceived ideas. So I am happy thant the direction of wind is changing.
Naples is the Italian capital of art, pizza and human warmth.
The city's main railway station is Napoli Centrale, which is located in Piazza Garibaldi;
other significant stations include the Napoli Campi Flegrei and Napoli Mergellina. Naples'
streets are famously narrow , it was the first city in the world to set up a pedestrian one-way
street. The Naples International Airport is located in the suburb of San Pietro a Patierno. It is
the largest airport in southern Italy.
Culinarily, Naples is synonymous with pizza, which originated in the city. Italy will put
forward the art of Neapolitan pizza-making for inclusion in Unescos prestigious cultural
heritage list , the selection commission said the art of pizza-making was a central element of
Neapolitan and Italian identity, and a symbol of the brand of Italy around the world. Real
Neapolitan pizza is limited to two types: marinara (tomato, oil, oregano and garlic) and
margherita (tomato, oil, mozzarella or fior di latte, grated cheese and basil).
The Centro Storico Monumentale is located around the harbour and the Piazza Del
Plebiscito embodies both grandeur and vastness, in contrast to the narrow confines of the old
town. Close to the harbour is the mighty Castel Nuovo, its graceful entrance arch seemingly
hemmed-in by two awkward-looking towers.

Measuring four square kilometres, Procida is the smallest island off Naples, densely
populated and with a long history. The island of Titan Tiphoios, is the largest of the three
islands in the Gulf Of Naples, each one now being a very popular tourist destination.
"A piece of heaven that fell to Earth, that is how the Neapolitans rightly refer to their
beautiful city and its surroundings.
Underneath Naples lies a series of caves and structures created by centuries of mining,
and the city rests a top a major geothermal zone. There are also large catacombs in and around
the city, and other landmarks such as the Piscina Mirabilis, the main cistern serving the Bay of
Naples during Roman times. This system of tunnels and cisterns underlies most of the city
and lies approximately 30 metres below ground level.
I believe to visit Naples and to fully understand this fascinating city, you need to go
there more than once, to see astonishing panorama, wonderful buildings, delicious food and
warm people but you need to have a real open mind to behold and appreciate all the little
funny things that could happen when you are there, without criticize!


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