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Write the Little of the movie

Make a list of 25 new words for your vocabulary ( Wolf : Lobo)
Whos your favorite character and why (5 lines)
Describe the best scene of the movie (personal opinion)(5 lines min)
Prepare a comment about the movie (1 min speaking)



The movie has a lot of action and shows too blood for me taste. The
personal opinion the movie has some scenes good and other not that much.
Personally I like the movies of vampires that have action but not so
unreality. The woman of the movie underworld is one actress very good that
gets into character and appropriates of the.
Sources: Fuentes
Halt: detener
Pursuit: Busqueda
Gate: Porton
Since: Ya que
Handle: Encargarse de
Lead: Dirigir
Filed: Archivado
Safety: La seguridad
Lying: Acostado
Waves: Olas
Felt: Sintio
Stepped: Escalonada, pisar
Fell: Cayo
Kind: Tipo(clase)
Rallied: Repuntado
Carried: Llevado
Werewolves: Hombres lobo
Wish: Deseo
Dare: Atrevimiento
Hiding: Ocultacion
Recognize: Reconocer
Turned: Convertido
Safe: Seguro
Darkness: Oscuridad

3) My favorite character is David because he helps to Selene for that find to

Michael Corvin but when she think that find to Michael is surprised to see

one child and not a Michael. David fights against werewolves at home to
protect to the child that find Selene. He dead by treating of protect to Selene
and child. Although Selene made his heart throb again.
4) The best scene is when that stick it with big wolf and introduces one
pomegranate in the stomach without him insurance and the werewolf think
that he not dead because when Selene gets the grenade he is man normal
and the moment of become he wolf explodes immediately and dead. The
scene have and shows too much blood, although it is some humorous
because he is healthy the moment of introduces the grenade.
5) I think that the movie has scenes good and other not that much. There are
some scenes that have too much action, although personally I like the
movies of vampires, but this have much action and unreally for my taste.
The plot of the movie is nice and the special effects are interesting for
example when the werewolves become. The main character is Selene. She
has got blue eyes; she has got dark and short hair. Shes good because
protects and saves of them.

Paula Julieth Murillo Zapata

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