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1.1 Importance of Study

This research project was conducted to provide an insight about the process of snapdeal
operations which is handled Future Supply Chain solutions. This will help the firm in
knowing and analysing which areas of operation is lacking and where is the scope of

1.2 Objective of the Study

The objective of the study is to analyse the different component of process flow and see if
there is any bottlenecks in the process or if there is any scope of improvement. This study
helps us in identifying these things.

1.3 Focus of the Study

As per my discussion with project guide, my area of focus in process was inward procedure,
inventory management and outward procedure as these are the most important part of any
process flow.

1.4 Purpose of the Study

Following are the main purpose of the study

To find bottlenecks in operations

To find scope of improvement
To get an insight

Research Methodology
For conducting research I used three methods to find the relevant data. Following are the
three methods
1. Observation- What I did was that that while analysing a particular process I tried to
observe all the factors which are affecting the process directly or indirectly
2. Interview- I also conducted informal interviews with some staffs and lower level
managers to know what is their perspective towards a particular problem, what they
think are the reasons for problem, what they think can be done to solve problems
3. Exploratory- I needed some old data to see how their performance was in inventory

management, what is their error percentage. So from the inventory head I took cycle
count file for Feb 2016 to May 2016. I compiled the whole data to see inventory error
percentage. For inward procedure there was no old data so I had to do it on my own
and conduct a time motion study to check the level of productivity of the workforce
and use my level of productivity as a comparative baseline.

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