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Phone 783-697-435
Fax 927-763-924

April 27, 2016

Monika Wicaksono
Cempaka Putih Tengah 2B St, 1B
Central Jakarta, Indonesia

Dear Monika,

On behalf of the Admissions Committee, it is my pleasure to offer you admission
to the Cambridge University Class of 2017. You stood out as one of the most
talented and promising students in one of the most competitive applicant pools
in the history of the Institute. Your commitment to personal excellence and
principled goals has convinces us that you will both contribute to our diverse
community and thrive within our academic environment. We think that you and
Cambridge are a great match.

I hope youll agree with us that Cambridge is the perfect place to prepare your
future. As a member of our community, youll join builders, scholars,
enterpreneurs, and humanitarians. Together, you will make all the difference in a
world that desperately need you.

Many congratulations and all of the best wishes for you,


Edward Jhonny
Dean of Admission

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