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Tyler R.

866 Old Leicester Hwy
(828) 450-3409
Graduation Project Committee
Erwin High School
60 Lees Creek Road
Asheville, NC 28806
To Whom It May Concern,
My name is Tyler R. MacAlister, I am a senior at Clyde A. Erwin High School. I hope to
attend the United States Military Academy and major in Chemistry. After my four years at West
Point I hope to commission into the US Army as an Aviation Officer.
My research topic for my graduation project will be how the public education system
doesnt have a wide enough variety of sports and athletic activities to incorporate their entire
student population. Im doing this to raise awareness about the issue because sports are an
extremely important thing for colleges and certain scholarships; without a variety of sports that
incorporate the interests of all students, certain ones struggle harder to achieve specific goals or
are forced into something they dont enjoy doing.
My practical experience will be spent learning the art of fencing, fencing is a sport that is
not typically in the public school system but definitely interests me. Fencing is an olympic sport
that certain colleges have teams for, meaning that if youd want to get involved in it at one such
school you would most likely need at least some experience in that field.
I have absolutely no experience in fencing, mostly due to the fact that our education
system does not offer it. I have always been fascinated by it since I first saw it though and would
in fact be leaving my comfort zone by partaking in it.
Learning how to fence would be stretch for me because I typically am not involved in an
activity that involves the same level of reflex and coordination as fencing. I will grow from this
experience not only by becoming physically stronger and faster, but it will also sharpen my mind
and allow me to make decisions quicker, better, and more effectively.
Plagiarism is quite literally stealing from someone else. I greatly frown upon stealing and
always have, meaning I have never nor will I ever plagiarize. It would only ever cause me
troubles down the rest of my life that could be easily avoided by not stealing the work or
thoughts of others.

Thank you all very much for taking the time to read this proposal, I deeply hope you will
grant me the opportunity to pursue my current project idea so I may better myself more as a

Tyler R. MacAlister

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