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1. Have you experienced having a foreign teacher? If yes, what do you prefer
a foreign teacher or a local teacher and are their techniques in teaching
different? If not, is it okay for you to have a foreign teacher? Why or why
2. In communication, do you say what you think? Are you blunt and direct, even
if others might get offended?
3. Do you like talking to strangers? Why or why not?
4. In decision making, would you still consider asking for your parents
permission at that age before doing anything?
5. Do you still live with your parents? Why or why not?
6. How do you give respect to the elders?
7. What occasions do you usually celebrate? With whom do you celebrate
8. What is your favourite occasion and why do you like it?
9. What are the things you and friends do?
10.Are your friends all girls? Or all boys? What do you prefer girls or boys? Why?

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