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Annie Hekl
The Outsiders Project: New EndingIf Sodapop got jumped by Socs when he ran out of the house when Ponyboy and
Darry were fighting.

When Soda ran away, I was really frightened. I didnt know what was going to
happen. Then, I saw the Blue Mustang. I couldnt move. I heard the Socs get out of
the car and beat my brother. Darry, with no hesitation, ran into the pack and saved
Soda by threatening the Socs. After all the Socs were gone, I ran to Sodas side and
helped Darry pick him up. Darry then drove Soda to the hospital, while I walked
At home, I was sitting on the couch when Steve burst through the door. I
didnt know what was going on. Darry ran in behind him. How could this happen!
Steve yelled. Well, it did, so you just need to calm down, Darry said. What
happened? Wheres Sodapop? I asked. Darry then turned to me, saying, Oh Pony,
Soda will be all right; he survived. Sure! He survived, with two broken hands and
one broken leg! Steve yelled, while pounding the wall. Hell get better, Steve, I
tried to sound encouraging. Hes weak! If Soda was my friend he wouldnt be
getting himself jumped by Socs! Saying that, Steve stormed out of the room.
Darry didnt want me to run either, so he cautiously explained what will
happen to Soda. He said since Soda broke his hands he couldnt work, so I had to
work and go to school! Darry also said he wanted to keep an eye on Soda, so he is
having me stay in his room and Darry and Soda will stay in Sodas and my room.
Darry, I really need to think things over. Im going for a walk, I said. Darry didnt
argue and let me go out for a walk.
While I was walking, I thought how Darry my feel; probably sadness, hatred,
and resentfulness. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard my name.
Ponyboy! a girl yelled. I then looked behind me; it was Cherry. When I saw her, I
was-to be honest-scared. I hoped all my work on the track team paid off, because I
Well, I now second guessed my track training. Cherry tackled me to the
ground! (I didnt think Soc girl would even do something like that.) After we caught
our breath, she said, Why in the world did you start running Ponyboy? I was
scared that you might have something against me, I said. Well, I dont! She said.

How can I be sure? I ask. Cherry then leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. I
couldnt believe it. For the first time in my life things were looking up for me.
The two of us then just sat in the grass and talked. It seemed like hours.
Cherry and I then made it official. We were a couple. As we watched the sunset, I
realized it was late and Darry would be looking for me. I said good-bye to Cherry
and ran back home.
As I ran happily home, I reached a street. The only thing between me and my
brothers was the street. I started walking proudly across the street, when I heard a
loud BOOM! Then everything went black. I could hear loud shouts and tires
squealing away. Then I fell asleep.
When I woke-up I couldnt move. I noticed I was in a hospital bed too. I looked
to my side and Darry and Soda were sleeping in chairs next to my bed. I guessed I
was hurt badly too. I couldnt feel my body. I then with all my might whispered,
Darry Sodapop
Darry then opened his eyes and stretched. He blinked a couple of times then
looked at me. Hey, Ponyboy. You got yourself in quite a jam, huh? He said trying to
smile. Soda then yawned and opened his eyes. So, Ponys up? Did you tell him
what happened yet? He said still waking up. No, he just woke up. And I did too,
but I guess Ill tell him now, Darry said. Tell me what? I asked.
Darry started, It was three days ago, Pony. I guess you were walking across
the street and the Socs, on purpose, ran ya over with their blue Mustang. I ran
outside and threatened the Socs that if they ever hurt you or Soda again I would kill
em all. Then as fast as I could, I picked you up and drove you to the hospital. You
have four broken ribs, broken neck, and more. The doctors were surprised you even
survived. But I told em of course he survived! Hes my little brother! I then sent a
message to Two-Bit to get your brother over here. We have been here the whole
time Pony. Youve just slept. You know you talk in your sleep right? Cherry, I love
you! Where are you Cherry? Soda mocked. Be quiet! I yelled. You shouldnt talk
Pony. Just rest and we will be here, Darry said. Am I going to die like Johnny and
Dally? I asked. Well, not necessarily like Dally, but somewhat like Johnny a
familiar voice said. I looked over; it was Two-Bit. I was happy and fell asleep again.
The next time I woke-up there was a girl with my two brothers. Cherry? I
whispered. Oh, Ponyboy. What in the world did you get yourself into now? She said
smiling. I just smiled back. Cherry kissed me on my forehead and left me. Later that
day, I fell asleep and never woke-up again.
My death was a big deal for my brothers and friends. Darry and Soda were
heart broken. Cherry I hope was also sad, because she was never seen again. TwoBit on the other hand, went mad because all his friends were dying. He was later

put into an insane asylum. Life went on and the feud between the Socs and
Greasers went on as well.

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