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Dengue is a recurring condition here in the Philippines, especially here in the

cordillera region specifically, Baguio city .Every year, dengue case tally has its peak
on the wet season of the country, yet it doesnt mean that the condition affects
people only on those months. According to World Health Organization (WHO), as of
July 2016, dengue cases here in Asia doubled up and the number of mortality also
increased. The tally also proved that dengue case is not a onetime problem but a
year round problem. Here in the Philippines the Department of Health(DOH)
released the number of dengue cases from last year and this year, comparing those
data, the number of case increased from ________ to ________. Lastly, the cases here
in Baguio City, also according to DOH, increased from __________ to ________.
Dengue is a continuing problem that needs an immediate action, this is
proved by all those tally reports from international down to local setting. The study
is relevant and is timely as dengue condition only decreases as dry season takes
place and will increase again as wet season comes. We are given an ample amount
of time to finish the study as the setting of our research is Baguio City, therefore
distance is not a problem. Nurses working here in Baguio City is the target
population, accessibility is out of the question. Permission from the Chief Nurse of
the institution is solicited for the researchers to be able to access nurses working in
the hospital, in the community, and even those who are working as nurse
educators. The researchers are well equipped with knowledge on downloading
online information and on finding printed materials that are relevant for the study,
access on the available health information guide from WHO and DOH and even
updates about the study is easy. With the consolidated information we will get from
our health organizations, it will be manageable for the researchers to develop or
download an enhanced and updated campaign materials such as modules and
pamphlets, and conduct a lecture discussion. We have enough man power and the
qualifications in order to finish this study. The researchers have the resource to
answer expenditures for the whole duration of the study. With all these facts
presented, the researchers are capable to do the study.

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