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Why the worship of Mother Goddess is usually done in month of Ashaadam (AAdi).

The month of Aadi or Ashaadam is treated as most pious and precious times of wor
shipping Mother Goddess. Worship during this period has roots in both Vedic wors
hip and
also in Tutelary shaktheya worship. Being at midst of the entire year this month
is related with wide range of changes in the environent which may have both goo
d and
bad effects on the humanity. It is believed that during this month Sun enters ka
rkaataka rasi and is said to be called as Dakshinaayana Sun as he rises towards
East directon. As per Hindu scriptures it is believed that utharaayana is when L
ord Vishnu wakes from the sleep and Dakshinaayana is when he goes into sleep. Du
e to
this it is believed that Dakshinaayana is the time for darkness or Demonic force
s to Previal. These may be in the form of adverse effects in evironment or Sprea
d of
dreadful diseases across the length and breadth of the Globe. So counter act suc
h forces many festivals and spiritual celebrations like Sharad navarathri Ganesh
Diwali etc.. are held during this period.
Nature undergoes drastic changes suddenly when sun earths from Uttharaayana to D
akshinaayana. Temperatures of earth suddenly falls from hectic summner heat. It
is time
for rains to commence and make this earth cool. It is also the time for cyclones
and developing of disease causing germs and mosquitoes. Due to all these factor
s nature
or environment forsee many changes .It becomes very difficult for human beings t
o get accustomed to these changes. Scientifically sun rays are very low in the m
onths of
dakshinayanam. This lowers immunity and digestive power in humans. That is the r
eason these traditions and rituals came in the form of fasting, meditation and d
ivine worship
towards god. These rituals will raise up immunity power in the body. As a method
of defence these rituals are brought to a common platform under the name of wor
Coming to the worship of Mother goddess our vedas praised nature as Feminine cha
racter. As we care for nature it will care for us so to appease nature for overt
Nature, Goddess Nature is worshipped in many forms at the starting of this Daksh
inaayana and rituals of other Gods continues. Forces like Water element(Ganga)Fi
re,(Goddess Kali),
Earth(Bhudevi/Yellamma) etc are worshipped in many ways. Worshiping trees like N
eem,Amla water forces like River and seas under the name of Ganga,Worshipping Te
rmite Mounds as Earth
under the name of Yellamma etc.. are more prevelant during this period. The trad
ition or method and the form of worship varies from place to place. To prevent m
dreadful and contagious diseases wide range of rituals are introduced in this wo
Goddess liked Sheethala in North, Renuka in Central India,Yellamma in Karnataka
and Telengana,Pochamma,Mahankaali, Muthyaalamma,Maremma,kanakaDurga in Andhrapra
MariAmman,Ellai amman,Nagaathamman,Raja Kali amman,Gangai Amman etc.. in TamilNa
du are woshipped. Their worship mainly involves use of Turmeric which is the bes
t antibiotic

that prevents skin diseases, Neem Leaves which purifies air due to their medicin
al properties, ButterMilk and Jaggery water that reduces Human Body temperature,
Akhanda Deepa
seva that clears the air surrounding and paves way for good rains. More than tha
t congregation of relatives under the name of Divinity well binds the human rela
and fills Happiness in their lives.
So Hindu Dharma has well rooted with Science and Spirituality that strengthens a
nd benifits entire Humanity. Its Customs and Traditions are highly benificial as
they were
built on the base of science. So friends follow the traditions as per time as Ti
me cant be brought back and lead happy Life.

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