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tango & cash

the last samurai (2003)
die hard 1, 2, 3 (2000), 4, 5, dupa 2000
lethal weapon quadrilogy
the long kiss goodnight
striking distance
get carter (1971)
cop land
road to perdition (2002)
bonnie and clyde
blow (2001)
black hawk down (2001)
gangs of new york
a few good men
from russia with love
enemy of the state
assault on precinct 13 (1976) sau 2005, mie mi-a placut mai mult ala din '76
the fugitive
the devil's advocate
Foarte bune, ordine aleatoare
blood diamond (2006)
a beautiful mind (2001)
meet joe black
pulp fiction
forrest gump
the shawshank redemption
the godfather 1, 2, 3
schindler's list (alb-negru)
se7en (seven)
fight club
12 angry men (alb-negru)
the departed (2006)
the pianist (2002)
the negotiator
the silence of the lambs, hannibal (2001), red dragon (e trilogie)
the english patient
the usual suspects
one flew over the cuckoo's nest
leon, the professional
the matrix trilogy
saving private ryan
once upon a time in the west
dollars trilogy (a fistfull of dollars, for a few dollars more, the good, the ba
d and the ugly)
city of god (2002)

taxi driver
the untouchables
catch me if you can (2002)
good will hunting
once upon a time in america
raging bull (alb negru)
lawrence of arabia
reservoir dogs
carlito's way
lock, stock and 2 smoking barrels
mean streats
la confidential
training day (2001)
donnie brasco
a bronx tale
miller's crossing
the green mile
full metal jacket
the shining
a clockwork orange
casablanca (alb-negru)
la vita e bella
as good as it gets
dead poets society
the bone collector
american history x
american beauty
batman '89 sau the dark knight (tot batman, dar mai recent) -trilogie
the sixth sense
paths of glory (alb-negru)
the last emperor
gone with the wind

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