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1. Why do you want to come and work in the UK?

Focus on the positive main reasons you want to relocate, some examples may include:
New Career Opportunities.
Personal Development.
Professional Development.
Training Opportunities.
Experience a new culture.
Language skills improvement.
Family life opportunities.
Improved quality of life.
2. Can you tell me about yourself?
Always focus on the positive aspects of yourself when asked this question, a good way to
structure this answer is to start with:
A brief description of your current situation (Employed? Family? Where you live?
Goals for the future?) Etc.
A brief description of relevant education and achievements.
A brief description of relevant experience and achievements.
Use three positive words to describe you personally.
Use three positive words to describe you professionally.
Remember keep this brief and stay on topic. Average length of this should be 3 minute and
should not exceed 5 minutes in length.
3. Explain to me how you would administer medications safely?
Take some time to familiarise yourself with the Rights of Medication administration:
Right Medication
Right Dosage
Right Time
Right Method of administration
4. Are you familiar with the position/role? Explain.
Main duties:

Ensuring medication has been taken (E important sa mentionati acest aspect!)

5. What are your strengths/weaknesses?

Strengths: I consider myself an honest, hard-working person that is also flexible and able to
adapt and learn quickly. I always keep a positive attitude and Im motivated to do my best
throughout my career.
Weaknesses: I think my main weaknesses are that Im a sensitive person and that I cant really
say no when Im being asked for help. Again we see an example of making a negative question
positive here. Eg. I am a perfectionist and sometimes take my responsibilities too seriously.

6. Why should I hire you?

This is your chance to sell yourself to the employer and also your opportunity to put your very
own unique stamp on the interview. Stay relevant to the job for which you are applying and make
an attempt to make the employer remember you by thinking outside the box.

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