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In a sad and bored day of my life, the times of fun and lust had finished.

I was sleeping, but the sound of the phone woke me . It was two oclock; who
could be calling at this time, I asked myself, the phone was in silent and when I
went back to sleep, it rang again then I answered immediately.
Carlos: Cynthiaaa ( the person shouted on the phone) how are you ?
Narrador: I thought at a moment, who will be the person that was calling me, if
it was a female voice I had heard before, but I couldnt remember where I had
heard his voice.
Cynthia: Im fine, Im sorry who is speaking?
Carlos: you dont remember me, Im Carlos, we studied together an English
course, three years ago.
Cynthia: hi Carlos, yes I remember you, why do you call me?
Carlos: I wanted to meet the students of English in my home, do you
remember that the oct. 31 is my birthday, So I want to see them
Cynthia: I think it is an excellent idea, I will be there
Carlos: You can communicate with others and let them know, that would be
great because I lost contact with them. I hope see them, anyway, goodbye, see
you take care.
Narrator: the day came, I remember that I arrived early, this was unusual for
me. I was anxious, but this day was different I knew that something would
Lesly: Roberto (shouted Lesly) if it was him with a beard, but funny and
sometimes grouchy as we remembered ..
Narrator: it was eleven oclock at night, and we were only three people,
although we were having a great time, but we only were talking, we needed to
go out for fun.
Roberto: we need some beer and some and whisky
Lesly: Carlos is late and we are only four people I think that anyone else will
Roberto: jajaja they are going to come, Cynthia fell asleep on her sofa
Narrator: Suddenly carloss phone rang, it interrupted the dialogue
Narrator: Carlos went to side of the room to talk, his face was of concern. He
returned where Roberto, Lesly and Cynthia. He was very rare.
Lesly: Carlos, are you ok ?

Carlos: its my aunt, she is wrong and she asked me to carry a medicament,
but its late and I can not carry it, so I feel sad. Sorry guys it was not my
Roberto: dont worry, I brought my car, lets go
Carlos: Roberto really? Thank you so much
Lesly: lets go. Everyone, this reunion has finished, may be more exciting to go
see your aunt, then we return to a club
Cynthia: Lesly is the first time you say something good
Lesly: Cynthia is sleeping, she isnt going to go
Cynthia: jajajaja I cant sleep with so much noise
Carlos: Lesly sorry, I do not think that we can go to a disco. My aunt lives out of
town in a small town near of the mountain and we will go them we return.
Roberto: Cynthia, what happened? Why are you so quiet?
Cynthia: mmm, I have nothing, Only I am thinking, which is the disease is your
aunt suffering?
Narrator: Carlos became pale it did not know that to say, ultimately Roberto
Roberto: Cynthia you are very curious, Cynthia leave her alone.
Narrator: Cynthia remembered, what carlos said to her that he did not have
aunts. All this was very strange, Carlos was concealing something and did not
want to count it
Narrator: Carlos went to his bedroom and pulled something, he was hide
something in his purse We were in the car, we were heading Carloss home, the
road was steep, and I didnt see nothing because of the darkness of the night
Lesly: Carlos how long we will get there?
Carlos: 30 minutes, and we arrive
Narrator: we heard an explosion, we stepped of and we saw what a tire had
burst, outside the car it was very cold, we were trembling
Roberto: dont worry I have a spare tire, right now I will change it
Lesly: our phones have flashlight happily, this place is very dark, Im scared
Narrator: Roberto changed the tire and we continued the travel
Roberto: It cant be, a battery is dead, and the car will not start. This is very
rare; the battery doesnt discharge so fast.
Cynthia: we have to walk, I think that something happens to the car, you have
realized that the whole way we have not seen another car or another person ?

Lesly: thats true, it looks like a ghost road

Carlos: boys, stop talking and walk
Roberto: wait me I am going to close the car, I never thought that walk for the
night would be our reunion
Cynthia: this is a hill, if you continue walk to the top, we go faster than if we go
the other way
Narrator: They never imagined, that soon would begin their bad decisions.
Roberto: We must climb; it is half past twelve p.m
Narrator: Carloss phone rang again and again it as a mysterious call, Cynthia
could not hold the desire to ask Carlos
Cynthia: Carlos. Who is calling to you?
Carlos: my aunt called me
Cynthia: Carlos, stop! no more lies! A year ago you said me that you hadnt
Carlos: Im sorry guys, this is the truth : I will meet with Arnold. He is a friend of
my past, he has invited me to the camp and he wants to make a satanic ritual
because today is Halloween
Roberto: jajaja I dont believe in those things, but it sounds interesting, I think
that we should go
Lesly: I have never been in these types of rituals, its all interesting experience
Carlos: it depends on you, but we can come back
Cynthia: if everyone want go, ok ?
Lesly: (she shouted)
Roberto: Lesly what happened? Why were you shouting?
Lesly: I saw a shadow that it was moving, I feel fear
Roberto: Lesly, dont worry, it is a tree, but if has an strange form
Cynthia: I think you must come back
Carlos: now, it gets colder
Narrator: they starde walking of return to the car. They walked for 30 minutes,
but they were surprised because they found the same tree
Roberto: its not possible, its the same tree, we are lost
Cynthia: Lesly, quiet! dont cry
Narrator: we started listening strange voices

Carlos: calm down, dont feel nervous

Carlos: ahhhhhhh..
Roberto: what happen, Carlos?
Carlos: I saw an elf, he is running and his eyes were red and they shine in the
dark, also the elf was really small
Cynthia: Lesly fainted. I think that she saw the elf
Roberto: oh my god, help me please
Cynthia: call for help. Call to the police
Carlos: I cant use my cell phone
Roberto: my cell phone is the car
Cynthia: lets walk for a moment, maybe we could find the car, we must sty
together, dont separate
Narrator: carlos felt a shudder and heard a whispering voice : carlos, why are
coming late?
Narrator: he was the boy who was calling it
Carlos: Arnold dont that again in your life
Arnold: jajajajaja carlos are you afraid? What do I spend to your friend?
Narrator: they told him everything what it had spent to Arnold, when they
finished of telling him Lesly had woken up
Arnold: has all that happened to them? I do not believe them
Carlos: Arnold, take us to the way, we want to go away to house
Arnold: it is well, but first we go to a hut, I have left two friends there then we
can already go away
Narrator: I return the calmness to the group, after walking for a moment they
came to the hut
Arnod: there is the hut, but there is something rare, they have extinguished the
Narrator: Arnold, started to shout its friends
Arnold: juaaaan, alberto go out, they do not answer, perhaps they went to give
a return
Narrator : they opened the door slowly, and the smell was irresistible, they lit
the lantern and found 2 boys and they were dead
Carlos and Lesly: ahhhhh they (shout)

Arnold: this house is haunted lets flee run

Narrator: they began running, until they came to a gorge. Arnold started crying
Arnold: this is my fault, we run risk we are going to die, the legend was true
Roberto: Arnold tell us what do you know?
Arnold: I thought that it was a foolery, years ago in this mountain there was a
huaico that buried a small village, it is said that in this people a woman was
giving birth, they all died and I remain buried, the hut that they saw is the only
thin tha was not birried, this damned hut did manage to see the animals which
were going out for the mouth of my friends it is said that these animals, are
sings of the demon
Roberto: now if it scared already me
Arnold:perhaps the poltergeist that they saw maybe was the girl who died,
people said that this girl is looking for her mom
Cynthia: Arnold, shut up
Arnold: we have to go out from here
Carlos: I have an idea, lets walk along the whole gorge, perhaps we can find
people there
Lesly: I have sign in my cell phone, it is necessary to ask to help
Narrator: leslie started calling, but nobody answered. Suddenly the police
Lesly: we need help we are lost in the mountains
Narrator: the call is short, there was no signal
Arnod: stand up and run
Lesly: auch I fall down, let me follow you
Carlos: we will not let you help
Narrator : as well as the girl had appeared, disappeared
Cynthia: no longer, he has gone
Arnod: you still need to keep running you can return
Roberto: Arnold you know you are looking for the girl?
Cynthia: once heard that the souls of children they are wandering in the world
it is because they have not been buried
Arnold: the legend also says that the girl is in his tree buried in a strange way,
but nobody has been seen that tree

Carlos: we have seen

Arnold: maybe thats why the girl iis upset, they found her grave
Narrator: the police maaged to hear the call of Lesly and came to his rescue
Lesly: thats where we saw for the first time
Arnnold: I cut him off and make a cross with its branches
Carlos: maybe there to go
Roberto:theres the girl again, run
Cynthia: do not look back just run
Lesly: there it is the car
Carlos:but the battery is discharge
Narrator: all eentered the car, Roberto tried to turn but the car would not start
Roberto: the car lit, and run at full speed
Narrator: the next day the people came and in the nws said that five policeman
were killed. Five policemen ere on a patrol that was misled when a girl
suddenly appeared on the road and fell down into an abyss.

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