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Overall i think that technology and social media plays a crucial role in shaping the lives of many

people across the world. Today the technology has allowed for information to be transmitted
globally in the fastest way possible. Since information is passed back and forth at great speeds,
the ideas and philosophies between peoples of many different backgrounds are that more
shaird. In my opinion Social media and the technology behind it is the driving force that
changes in society today. Social media outlets have been utilized by many organizations and
groups for many purposes. Whether it be to vote for a candidate in an election or to mobilize
individuals with certain similarities and backgrounds, social media has brought these groups
together for similar purposes, to find other people they can relate to or to bring concern towards
issues in government or in social views. Whether or not social media and the technology behind
it is good or bad, in my opinion, is left up to debate. My conclusion is that social media can be
good or bad depending on how a person uses it.

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