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Resumo de gramtica da Lngua Inglesa.

Simple Present = Presente Simples

I comb my hair every morning. / Eu penteio meu cabelo toda manh.
I dont comb my hair every morning.
Do I comb my hair every morning?
He lives on Queen Street. / Ele Mora na rua Queen.
He doesnt live on Queen Street.
Does he live on Queen Street?
Verbos terminados em (S, SS, SH, CH, X, O, Z) acrescenta-se es .
Exemplos: Watch = Watches / Go=Goes / Wash=Washes
Verbos terminados em (Y) precedido de consoante, acrescenta-se ies.
Exemplos: Study Studies
Verbos terminados em (Y) precedido de vogal, acrescenta-se s.
Exemplos: Play Plays.

Simple Present of the Verb To Be= Presente simples do verbo to be= ser, estar.
I am awake. = Eu estou acordado.
I am not awake
Am I awake?

I am not = Im not
He is not = He isnt
They are not = They arent.

She is an engineer. / Ela engenheira.

She is not an engineer.
Is she an engineer?
They are ready = Eles esto prontos.
They are not ready
Are they ready?
Simple Present Continuous = Presente Simples Contnuo.
I am studying a new language. / Eu estou estudando uma lngua nova.
I am not studying a new language.
Am I studying a new language?
She is watering the plants. / Ela est aguando as plantas.
She isnt watering the plants.
Is She watering the plants?
We are running. / Ns estamos correndo.
We arent running.
Are we running?

Regras de acrscimo de ing.

Verbos terminados em (CVC), ou seja, consoante, vogal, consoante, dobra-se a ltima
Exemplos: Run-Running / Stop-Stopping
Verbos terminadoes em (ie), troca-se o ie pelo y.
Exemplos: Die-Dying.
Simple Past = Passado Simples (Geralmente, especificado o tempo em que ocorreu a
You enjoyed the party very much last night. / Voc curtiu muito a festa ontem noite.
You didnt enjoy the party very much last night.
Did you enjoy the party very much last night.
She went to the mall yesterday. / Ela foi ao shopping ontem.
She didnt go to the mall yesterday.
Did she go to the mall yesterday?

Simple Past of the Verb To Be = Passado simples do verbo to be = ser, estar

I was tired. / Eu estava cansado.
I wasnt tired.
Was I tired?
He was a waiter. / Ele era garom.
He wasnt a waiter.
Was he a waiter?
They were friends./ Eles eram amigos.
They werent friends.
Were they friends?

Simple Past Continuous = Passado Simples Contnuo.

I was studying a new language. / Eu estava estudando uma lngua nova.
I was not studying a new language.
Was I studying a new language?
She was watering the plants. / Ela estava aguando as plantas.
She wasnt watering the plants.
Was She watering the plants?
We were running. / Ns estvamos correndo.
We werent running.
Were we running?

Near Future = Futuro Prximo GOING TO (usado quando algo j est planejado).
I am going to buy a new car. / Eu vou comprar um carro novo.
Im not going to buy a new car.
Are you going to buy a new car?
He is going to travel abroad. / Ele vai viajar para o exterior.
He isnt going to travel abroad.
Is he going to travel abroad?
They are going to start a new course. / Eles vo comear um curso novo.
They arent going to start a new course.
Are they going to start a new course?
Future in the past
I was going to buy a new car. / Eu ia comprar um carro novo
He was going to travel abroad. / Ele ia viajar para o exterior.
They were going to start a new course. / Eles no iam comear um curso novo.

Simple Future = WILL (Normalmente usado quando algo decidido no momento

da fala)
I will apply for a new job. / Eu me candidatarei para um novo emprego.
I wont apply for a new job.
Will you apply for a new job.
She will work.
She wont work.
Will she work.

I will = Ill
She will = Shell

OBS: WILL = SHALL. No entanto, o shall usado apenas com a 1 pessoa do

singular e do plural, ou seja, I and We
Exemplos: I will travel = I shall travel
We will sleep = We shall sleep.

Future Continuous = Futuro Contnuo

I will be watching the match at 8:30. / Eu estarei assistindo a partida s 8:30.
I wont be watching the match.
Will you be watching the match?
He will be working at 10 o clock tomorrow. / Ele estar trabalhando s 10 horas
He wont be working at 10 o clock tomorrow.
Will he be working at 10 o clock tomorrow?

Future Perfect = Futuro Perfeito.

I will have retired 30 years from now. / Eu terei me aposentado daqui 30 anos.
I wont have retired 30 years from now.
Will you be retired 30 years from now?
The game will have ended at 9:30. / O jogo ter terminado s 9:30.
The game wont have ended at 9:30.
Will the game have ended at 9:30?

Present Perfect = Presente Perfeito. ( usado para falar de algo que aconteceu no
passado sem um tempo especfico).
I have studied a lot for the test. / Eu estudei muito para a prova.
I havent studied a lot for the test.
Have you studied a lot for the test?
She has bought a new laptop. / Ela comprou um notebook novo.
She hasnt bought a new laptop.
Has she bought a new laptop?
J com o uso do SINCE e FOR, a traduo passa a ser de tempo presente.
I have worked at this company for two years. / Eu trabalho nesta companhia h dois
He has studied at this school since 2000. / Ela estuda nesta escola desde 2000.

Present Perfect Continuo = Presente Perfeito Contnuo. ( usado para falar de uma
ao que est em adamento, ou seja, teve incio num tempo passado e contnua
acontecendo at o presente momento.
I have been working a lot. / Eu Estou estou trabalhando muito ou Eu tenho trabalhado
I havent been working a lot.
Have you been working a lot?
He has been studying at this school for 10 years. / Ele est estudando nessa escola h 10
anos, ou, Ele tem estudado nessa escola h 10 anos, ou, Ele estuda nessa escola h 10
OBS: O Present Perfect Continuo muito usado em interrogativas acompanhadas
de How Long = Quanto tempo.

-How long have you been living in this city? / H quanto tempo voc tem morado nessa
cidade? ou H quando tempo voc mora nessa cidade?
-I have been living here for two years. / Eu moro aqui h dois anos. ou Eu tenho morado
aqui h dois anos.
-How long has he been working for this airline company? /H quando tempo ele
trabalha para essa empresa area?
-He has been working for this airline company since 2008. / Ele trabalha para essa
empresa area desde 2008.

Past Perfect = Passado Perfeito

I had eaten a lot. / Eu havia comido muito. ou Eu tinha comido muito.
I hadnt eaten a lot.
Had I eaten a lot?
He had left the office. / Ele havia saido do escritrio. ou Ele tinha sado do escritrio.
He hadnt left the office.
Had he left the office?
(Usado para expressar um passado que ocorreu antes passado simples)
When I called you, you had already gone to bed. / Quando eu te liguei, voc j tinha
ido domir.
Tom had already left by the time I arrived at his house. / Tom j tinha sado quando eu
cheguei casa dele.
Used to + Verb (Expressa algo que ocorria no passado e que no acontece mais no
I used to play soccer. / Eu jogava futebol. Ou Eu costumava jogar futebol.
I didnt use to play soccer.
Did you use to play soccer?
He used to smoke. / Ele fumava. Ou Ele costumava fumar.
He didnt used to smoke.
Did he use to smoke?
To Be (in the present)+ used to + verb + ing (Expressa algo que voc est acostumado
a fazer no presente)
I am used to playing golf. / Eu estou acostumado a jogar golf.
I am not used to playing golf.
Are you used to playing golf?

She is used to living in this city. / Ela est acostumada a morar nesta cidade.
She is not used to living in this city.
Is she used to living in this city?
To Be(in the past) + used to + verb + ing (Expressa algo que voc estava acostumado
a fazer no passado)
I was used to playing soccer. / Eu era acostumado a jogar futebol.
I wasnt used to playing soccer.
Were you used to playing soccer?
He was used to traveling a lot. / Ele era acostumado a viajar bastante.
He wasnt used to traveling a lot.
Was he used to traveling a lot?

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