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he conclusion of our mapping survey we used
geological equipment such as a hammer
geology,compass brunton,GPS
garmin,coordinates map,motorcycle in the
area KNPI , KARTINI 2 RESIDENCE 9 km2 areas follows
- Discussion STA
In stopside 1 OC 1 location in Bintang Asri Residence
we find outcrops of sediments that have multiple layers
of silt, sandstone, coal and clay. But the dominant layer is
a layer of siltstone.
In stopside 1 OC 2 locations in Star Asri Residence we
find outcrops of sediments that have multiple layers of
coal, siltstone and sandstone. But the dominant layer is a
layer of claystone.
In stopside 2 OC 1 location right behind the building
KNPI we find outcrops of sediments that have multiple
layers of sandstone, claystone and sandstone. But the
dominant layer is a layer of claystone.
In stopside 2 OC 2 location right behind the building
KNPI we find outcrops of sediments that have multiple
layers of coal and sandstone.

In stopside 3 OC 1 location Kartini 2 Residence we find

outcrops of sediments that have multiple layers of siltstone,
sandstone, clay, sandstone, claystone and sandstone
In stopside 3 OC 2 locations Kartini 2 Residence we find
outcrops of sediments that have multiple layers of coal,
sandstone and claystone.
In stopside 3 OC 3 locations Kartini 2 we find outcrops
sediemen residence that has several layers of sandstone,
claystone, sandstone and claysand carbonat.
In stopside 3 OC 4 locations Kartini 2 residence we find
outcrops of sediments that have multiple layers of
sandstone, claystone and sandstone.
In stopside 4 OC 1 locations around behind the Gedung
Kesenian Balikpapan we find outcrops of sediments that
have multiple layers of siltstone, coal, clay and sandstone
In stopside 4 OC 2 locations around behind the Gedung
Kesenian Balikpapan we find outcrops sedimen that has
several layers of claystone, siltstone, claysandstone, coal
and siltstone.

So the results of the survey every outcrop we conclude that

the dominant layer for areas KNPI / KARTINI 2
RESIDENCE is a layer of sandstone / siltstone with the
sandstone direct to southwest and shale direct to east In our
outcrop we find structure like up fault and down fault.




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