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Published by the Borough of Roselle . Volume 6, lssue 2 . Summ er 2OO7

Borough .Cguncil Approves Moyo r's Youth Cun PLAY 7 to 7

Propoied Property Tux Cuts Under New Summer
- he first phose of o plon by
""H *reduce
Moyor Gorrett Smith to Progrum Co-Sponsored
property toxes bV $ I million in the Borough
wos opproved on June 29 during o speciol meeting of the by the Borough ond
Municipol Council.
With holf the governing body present, the Moyor ond Roselle Bourd of Ed.
Council President Solly Somuel,' Choir of the Borough
Council's Finqnce Committee, olcng with council membdrs
Sylvio Turnoge ond Christine Donsereou, opproved o
$'uyor Garrett Smith has spear-
i H.w, headed PLAY 7 to 7, afree summer
properl'y lq decreose thot will sove overoge.homeown- youth initiative designed to transform the
ers o totol of $ I 60 on their quorterly Augusiond Novem-
Borough's parks and the Board of Educa-
ber tox bills, on properties ossessed ot $lZO,OO0.
-*,ot.r,r". tion's playgrounds into learning and
- r-",ffi ;;r";;;; ;;;" #ril: enrichment centers for children and teens

onfr_rp,r_?i::tiop fgr the,next fiscol yeor."

" +
over the summer months, offering
extended hours to keep children in a safe
and supervised environment from 7 a.m.
The Moyor introduced his proposol for reducing toxes
in the Borough by $2,1 24 over the next four yeors dur-
;;k;;;;."'-' to 7 p.m.
"This first-time program and partner-
ing o town holl meeting he hosted on Moy 29 olFire Heodquorters on Chestnut Sheet. Smith qd-
dressed on overflow crowd of more thon 200 people with his plqn, which entoils refinoncino the ship between the Borough and the board of
Borought $ I Z million debt, selling neorly 2OO boroushowned properties, includinq o former clndv Education, is an example of the positive
shop, Chet ond John's on Eqst 8th Avenue, vqlued oj $aOO,OOO,'ond roising odJitionol r"u"nu"', impact that can be made in our community
through new housing construction ond business redevelopment. Under the proposed plon, propery through alliances that support and nurture
owners could reolize up to $500 in sovings on their toxes during the nexi fiscol yeor. the development of our youthj'said Mayor
Council President Somuel; Second Woid Councilwomon Turioge; Fifth Wori Councilwomon Smith.
Confrnued on page B CCnfinuetl 6n'psge B

Roselle Roundup
Borough of Roselle- PRST

Roselle, NJ 07203 U.S. POSTAGE


Posfql Cuslomer ELIZABETH, NJ


I would like to welcome you to this importont issue of the
Rose/le Roundup, where residents cqn
get o glimpse of the pos-
itive chonges rippling throughout our town,
b"ginning with
property toxes.
on June 29, the Borough Council qpproved my
plon to reduce property toxes on the August qnd
November tqx
bills' The overcrge homeowner is expected to
sove $ t oo on
property ossessed qt $ 126,600. This meqns
lowering the mu-
nicipol tox l"uy by neorly $ I million, from
$ZS .46 million lost
veor, to $22.47 miilion rhis yeor. With liorf the corncir pr";;;;ot
th" Jrn" 29 meeting, i
cost the finol vote necessory to give
the tox meosure the moiority opprovol
needed io move
forword on providing residenrc with property
tox relief.
The move come four weeks ofier
o Town Hoil meeting r hosted on Moy 29
on the topic
of property toxes' I wos encouroged by
the level of pJrti.ipotion of residents in this
porlont diologue'The.oudience ronged im-
from long-time residents concerned obout
obility of housing in their olde, yeois, to offord-
newcomers roising children in seorch
schools ond recreotionol focilities. The of quolity
common threod o,iong oll - ,hor" ot the meetingi
wos the possion ond concern we oll shore
for our commun,rr."
Rising property toxes hove been rooming
Jersey for decodes. Whire we know Rosefle
over every community in the stote of
is not orone in this diremmo, r wont you
know the Borough council ond I ore to
working diligently to introduce o new fiscol
for 2008 thot provides the foundotion budget
for property tox relief over the next four
detoils of the plon ore,outlined in o story yeors. The
on poge I . The bottom line for residents
my proposed plon colls for $2,,l 24 in is thot
totol sovings 6y 2011 .
lmportont reforms qlso ore pending
in educotion. With the instollotion of Dr. Elnordo
Webster, the new superiniendent of schoors,
the Borough ho, on opporrunity to ochieve
its mission os on "rnstitute of Exceilence"
through portneiships in the community thot
beyond the clossroom. Tlis portnership spon
between the Borough ond rhe Boord of
tion is witnessed in PLAY 7 Io 7, o new
summer leorning enrichment ond recreotionol
tiotive lhot gives youth o sofe hoven from ini_
the streets ond provides ocodemic,
sports octivities from seven in the morning, ortistic ond
to seven in the - evening. The Borough,s pub_
lic Librory is onother importont portner
,n ,f,,, O-nr.;.
During my neorly four yeors os Moyor
of Roselle I hove worked to top into the positive
spirit of the community by persuoding
residents, civic orgonizotions, houses
municipol deportments ond locol brrin"rre, of worship,
to be involv-ed in couses thot moke o differ-
ence in the quolity of life in Roselle. rogether
ore importont voices in identifying ond
with the gou"rning body, oll these entities l I
overcoming the ,.nort issues focing ihe
Borough. This input ond porticipotion
from ,"rL"r, of our"hoi"nging

community is necessory to i

move Roselle forword into o new ero. I

I urge oll our residents to shore your trrlents "J'

ond voices trr continue to moke o difference
Roselle' Toke odvontoge of the summer in
months to shore o conversotion with your
ond/or enioy the summer concerts sponsored neighbors, *
by the Roselle urz syr"r*r Lond Memoriol po*. d
There ore plenty of octiviiies to moke ", l

it on enioyoble seoson right here in our own bock-

yord. Best wishes for o sofe, heolthy ond
fun_filled summer.

2 Roselle Roundup o Summer 2OO7

New Folice ftief o Roselle Nutive
""iiii'=he Borough's new Police Chief, nity relations programs," Kelleher said. "I want to improve the relationship
.iii. Denis Kelleher,45,is a Roselle native between the police department, and the business community. I also want to
who wants to bridge the gap between the make the residential uir.ur, and areas around the schools safer."
police and residents. "I know the town In 1g93,Kelleher became a police officer for the R.oselle Police Department.
very well, and I know the residents," said Since then, he has moved up the ranks from a foot patrol police officer to his
Kelleher. "It's been a positive experience newly-appointed position of acting police chief. In 1987 Kelleher became a
for me to be able to work for the town I detective and handled juvenile investigations. Kelleher has served as a crime
grew up in." prevention officer. In addition, he established the DARE (Drug Abuse Resist-
Kelleher calls himself a "firm believer" ance Education) Program in the Roselle Public School System, and ran the
in the community policing philosophy. police department's Neighborhood Watch program. In 1 9g2,he was promoted
Community policing calls for police to to sergeant, and also had a role in internalaffairs. In l994,he"returned to the
work with elected officials, other govern- street," as a nighttime patrol sergeant. In l99g,he achieved the rank of lieu-
mental agencies and residents to address tenant, and served as a shift commander in the patrol division. In 2006, Kelle-
crime, and quality of life issues that may her achieved the rank of captain.
contribute to the crime problem." Kelleher was promoted to police chief on June 1, replacing acting Police
Kelleher's goals as acting chief include having police officers develop a Chief Michael Sakala, a 34-year veteran of the force who will be returning
better rapport with Roselle residents. "I would like to bring in more commu- to his previous post of administrative captain.

Roselle Residenls Nctionol Night Out Aug. 7

Shine tl Light on Crlme '"',iii"''his yeor's
Nqtionol Night Out Agoinst Crime will give the res-
.$. idents of Roselle o chonce to meLt ond mingle witl the Police
t'-:.:S-"th is mer, the Bor-
su m Deportment of o lorge outdoor cookout. "The concept is to get the
.-= oug h of Roselle is
lommunity. to work together with the polica," soid PolicJChief
encou rog ing residents to Dennis Keileher. "Tog"ih"r we wont to slrow i"liJority i; ih"iig[t
porticipote in the "Lights ogoinst crime."
On lnitiotive" to deter The event will be
crime by encouroging held on Aug ust 7 , stort-
residents to turn on- the ing ot 6 p.m. ot the Bud
lights outside their homes Simmons Ployground
to from dusk to down. of West 2nd Avenue
The initiotive wqs pro- ond Pine Street. Mem-
posed ot the Thompson bers of the police de-
Avenue Neighborhood portment, municipol of-
Wotch meeting ond o ficiols ond volunteers
first word sofety meeting from the town will be
in response to residents' out to meet with the
concerns obout some of public" The event will in-
ihe poorly lit oreos in the clude o DJ ond o moon
neig h borhood. bounce wolk for chil-
Residents ogreed thot d ren . ln odcjition, po-
poorly lit o reos o re o lice officers r^rill be oiv-
sofef hozord ond recom- ing out T-shirts, frisbles
mended storting o "Lights o nd Americo n f logs
Cn" progrom os o woy during the event, ond
to improve sofety in the hot dogs, homburgers
community. "The'Lights ond beveroges wil.[ be
Cn lnitiotive' is o deter- ovoiloble free of
rent to criffi€, ond ossists chorge. A roffle will
the locol police in keep- qlso be held for o
lng ,, the Boroug h of child's bicycle, Kelle-
Roselle o sofe community her soid. "We'll be oiv-
to reside il," soid Corrie DeCostro, President of the Thompson Avenue ing bicycle helmets Jra
Neighborhood Wqtch. Stotisticolly, soid DeCostro, crime is less likely locks to kids, ond Club
rt.l occur in well-llI qreos.
ln welLlit oreos. Neeplng
Keepinq Ine
Keeping the borougn
Borouoh of Koselle
Borough well llt
Roselle Well lit is
ts meonl
meont Anti-Theft Devices to
to moke residents feel sofe onJr"cure be&use they will less likely be odults, olong with free
torgets for crime. home security items. "
"With the cooperotion of Roselle residents, "The 'Lights on lnitio- The event isfunded by the Roselle Police Deportment qnd the Munic-
tive' will not o.nly h"lp to combot crime in the comrriniry but olso ipol Ptrg Allionce, ond through ony donotions received from locol
bring the neighborhood together for o common couse," ;;id Coun- merchonts. "Notionol Night Out Agoinst Crime gives the residents ond
cilwomon Sylvio Turnoge, who first leorned obout the progrom from police officers on opportunity to i-nteroct, ond-dis.uss woys to work
o second word residenl. With the summer olreody on'its rioy, muni- together to moke the iown o sofer place," soid Kelleher. For more in-
1P9l officiols ond residents hqve teomed up to promote the;'Lightt formotiol,_ coll the Roselle Police Community Policing
On" progrqm throughout the Borough. Unit ot {908) 259-4006.

Roselle Roundup o Summer 2007 3

Teom Roselle Roises Money For American Cuncer Sotiety
i'"iii,'lhe Americon Concer Society (ACS) Reloy For Life event, which
iiii ollows groups of fomily, friends ond neighbors to form o teom to
wolk oround o trock to roise funds ond concei oworeness, wos held on
June 9 ond l0 ot Roselle Pork High School. This yeor, o feom of Roselle
residents porticipoted in the event, which wos one of 3,800 events ocross
the country |hot helped roise money for the fight ogoinst concer. The
ROTC qs well os other students from Abrohom C-1ork tjigh School, olong
wifh students from Horrison School ond members of the Notionol Coun--
cil of N"gro Women, qlso porticipoted either by wolking fhe trock, rois-
ing money, volunteering lo set up ond hoving mini-reloyJ.
"There ore o number of Roselle residents who ore octuolly deoling with
concer or ore concer survivors," soid Solly Somuel, Council President,
representing the First Word. "This event promotes concer oworeness
omong residents ond brings the community together for o good couse."
Reloy teoms pitched tents, qnd brought sieeplng bogs, food ond every-
thing thgy need'ed to get through the tilo-doy "Yt''L ideo is to hoJe
teoms of pgople, ond you need to hove one person "uJnt.from your teqm wolk-
ing oround the trock of oll times," soid Kothy LIoyd, choirperson for the
event, o Roselle resident, ond o breost concer survivor. "The first lop is Cancer survivors and supporters walk in the Relay For Life.
when oll the survivors wolk. On the second lop your coregiver wolks with
you. lt's pretty emotionol." This yeor, Ricky Lee, o notionof country singer,
wrote o song for s-urvivors, which he debuted of the Roselle Reloy. "He's
donoting I Ob% of the proceeds to Reloy For Life," ,oid LJoyd. Sn" not"d
- Mony community officiols hope Roselle con host the event in the neor
tuture. "There ore mony concer survivors, who ore people of greot
thot money roised of the Roselle Pork event is used to benefit oreo resi- couroge, here in Roselle,'" soid Councilwomqn Christine Donsereou, rep-
dents. "Most of the money stoys right here in the communiV, ond goes to resenting the Fifth Word. "This brings us together in Roselle to do some-
Americon Concer SociehT_ progrqms such os 'Reoch to Recovety,' which thing for the common good of oll of-us."
helps people who con't offord tieotment, ond 'Look ond Feel Better,' o pro For more informotion obout the ACS, ond next yeor's event, coll 800-
grom thot helps women obtqin wigs who con't qfford them," soid Lloyd. ACS-2 34s.

A Celebrotion of Freedom Held For Juneteenth Dsy

.'rfu duy to remember the abolition of slavery, Iuneteenth Day,was marked dance troupe, and Iennifer Walters, a Carrbbean Singer, as well as other cul-
t' .+.:+.bY
a celebration of freedom at Borough Hatl in Roselle on Iune 14. tural performances. A youth group from 707 HEART performed, and Kamau,
"Juneteenth Duy is the duy that the U.S. Government acknowledges the abo- a radio and talk show personality was the master of ceremonies for the event.
lition of slavery," said Makeda Bower of the New Jersey Caribbean Commu- In addition, there were two keynote speakers, Balozi Harvey, from the Newark
nity Cultural Organization, which cosponsored the event with Local 707 Economic Corp., and one of the founders of the seven principles of Kwanzaa)
HEART (Humanitarian Employees Alliance Rights and Trades) and the Bor- and Pastor Seaton Samuel, a resident of Roselle for 21 years, and a community
ough of Roselle. "You have to remember that slavery was abolished in the activist. 'A lot of people don't know about Juneteenth Dayi said Odette
Caribbean, and in other parts of the world before the United States. TWo Machado, President of Local707 HEART, who was the driving force behind
years ?Bo, the U.S. government made ]une Caribbean Heritage month. I the event. "We want to create awareness about Juneteenth Day.'
knew ]uneteeth Day would go great together with Caribbean Heritage Week. Other events held to mark Caribbean HeritageWeek included a local live
Our goal is to educate and uplift people." radio broadcast called "Emancipation in Song," and the "Raise Up Freedom
The event featured performances by the Seven Principals, a West-African Backyard Barbecue."

Se nior Citi zen Sp otlighr

The Senior Advisory Committee meets the first Thursdoy of yhile. porticipoting in gomes including Pokeno, Cords, Bingo, ond
eoch month ot the nos6lle Fi;; srotion ;r I'oo p.;. Ali B;r;;gh Checkers. Light refreshments will be served. Senior Fun Time will be
residents ore welcome to become members of ThJ Senior Adviso"ry held ot the Community Center locoted on 1268 Shoffer Ave from 2:AO
Committee. The Senior Advisory committee wos estoblished to p.ry. to 4:00 p.m., every third Fridoy of eoch month. The dotes qre
oddress the vorious needs of seniors in the community. The meeting os follows: July 30, August lZ, September 21 , October 19, Novem-
dotes ole os follows: July 12, August
v 2, September'6, O.tober
[, ber l6 ond December 2l . Tronsportotion will olso be provided.
November l, ond December 6.
I sf Fick-up: Ook Pork I :30 p.ffi., Pinewood 1 :40 p.m ., Sheri-
Pcrfnership with lB Vision Services

provide discounts on
to_ don Gordens 1 :50p.m.
preventotive ond primory eye core services for Roselle Seniors. ln
order to receive o discouni for eye core services ond products, 2nd Pick-up: Ook Po rk 2.00 p.ffi., Pinewo od 2: I 0 p.m., Sheri-
pofients MUST mention thot they br" Roselle Senior Residents. lB don Gordeni 2:20p.m.
Vision Services is locoted ot 5.l5 North Wood Ave in Linden. To
schedule on oppointment pleose coll 90 8-486-3333. For more. informotion regording ony of the Senior Citizen Summer
Events pleose, contoct-somontho-Dow ot t90B) 590-,l889 or
Senior's Fun Time is o greot opportunity for seniors to sociolize Hoyword Jomerson ot (908) 500-1017.

4 Roselle Roundup o Summer 2007

Block Purty Applicutions
Su mmer Fire Sofefy
.,.ith Summer here, many residents are planning block parties. But if
ES 1= you want to plan a block party for your street, you'll need to pick up To ensure fire sofety for oll locol residents, the Roselle Fire
and fili out a block party application at the Borough Clerk's Office. "Com- Deportment recommends employing the following fire so
pleted applications must be submitted to the Borough Clerk at least 30 days
tips this Summer:
in advance of the event's planned date, or preferably submitted at least 30 days
in advance of the regular meeting of the Mayor and Council prior to the Mcfches & Lighters:
event's planned datei'said Rhona C. Bluestein, Borough Clerk. "The block
party application requires the name of Alwoys keep fhese items out of reoch of children.
the organrzation, contact person,
address, phone number, and the street Smokirg Msteriols:
and intersecting street locations to be
Alwoys use on oshtroy or oppropriote metol contoiner to distin-
blocked off, date, start and end times
guish cigorettes; never throw them out o cor window or neorby
of the event, a rain date for the event,
and a signed petition of at least one-
half (50o/o or more) of the property Borbecue Sofuty:
owners/residents on the exact street/
block where the event is to be held." Reqd the owners monuol before operoting o gos grill.
There is currently no charge for
Open the lid while igniting o gos borbecue, or woit five minutes to
this permit.'Anyone or any organrza-
ollow the gos to clecr if the borbecue does not light. Explosive
tion who would like to temporarily flome-up mqy occur if you foil to do so.
close a block - a Roselle public street
- to traffic for the purpose of holding an event, can apply for a block party Never leqve your borbecue unottended.
permit," said Bluestein. The application must be reviewed and approved by
Keep clothing, towels ond hot pods owoy from flomes.
the Mayor and Council. In addition to a permit for the block party itself,
applicants must also apply for a loudspeaker permit if they plan to play Use chorcool lighter fluid sporingly ond with coution. Never squirt
amplified music via aDlboom box or any sound system. "o little more" once the fireis lit.
Alwoys discord used briquettes ond worm oshes in o metol con for
owqy from combustibles.
Store unused briquettes in o dty ploce owoy from potentiol igni-
Primer for Oil Tunk Removol tion sources ond combustible moteriols.

S f you hove q leoky oil tonk thot hos contominoted soil on your prop- At every chonge of propone tqnks/bottles, check the fittings to
S erV, ond you need help to remove it ond remediote the lond, there ensure proper seol ond fit.
ore o few simple steps you con follow. "Becouse Roselle hos homes built
in the mony of the homes still hove underground oil tonkr," soid Gosoline Sofefy:
Solly Somuel, Council President, representing the First Word. "Mony res- Never smoke, or strike o motch or lighter while fueling o choin sow,
idents moy hove questions on how to opprooch such on environmentolly gorden troctor, lownmower, qnd other gosoline engines.
sensitive motter thot offects their home ond we would like to shore infor-
motion to ossist them through the process." When refueling your lownmower or gosolinepowered yord equip-
lf you hove on oil leok in your properly, you should odvise your insur- ment, olwoys turn off engine to ovoid sproy sporks.
once compony. lf your insuronce compony will not oddress the leok, con- Pour gosoline corefully. If you spill it, wipe it up immediotely.
toct fhe Division of Remediotion Support, Bureou of Contrqct ond Fund
Monogement ot (609) 777-01 0l to find out if you ore eligible for ossis- 5""p gasoline il ol,opproved contoiner with o tight-fitting lid to
tonce. Next you will need to hire on environmentol controctor. These spe keep the vopors inside-
ciolty controctors ore listed in the Yellow Poges under Environmentol Serv- Store gosoline contoiners out of reoch of children.
ices or Tonk lnstollotion ond Removol. A
controctor should toke the following steps to
remove on oil tonk from the premises:
Ihe lonk should be thorouqhlv cleoned ond
disposed of ot o scrop metolTociliry.
lf the storoge tonk is locoted undeiground ond
must be removed, it should be uneorthed occord-
ing to locol codes ond the Americon Petroleum
lnstitute's recommended proctice. Locol construc-
tion permits for the municipolity will be needed. fflff#
Once the tonk hos been removed, the con-
troctor must excovote ond remove oll contomi- tffi,trffi" ',#,ffi
noted soil occording to the Deportment of Envi-
ronmentol Protection's cleonup criteriq.
Once contominofed soil hos been removed,
the remoining soil needs to be sompled to doc-
ument the effectiveness of the cleon up.
lf you hove questions regording the cleonup
of home heoting oil, .onti.t the" Responsible
PgrV Remediqtion Element's regionol field
office duV officer ot (60911 584-4150.

Roselle Roundup o Summer 2007 5j

lihraries Foster $ense of Comffiunity and [eurning
By Kerth McCoy, Dtrecfor, Rose//e Public Library
.'.1;,i'.echnology seems to promise everything, if you listen to its most avid
iiii proponents. Electronics and chips and imagination, and presto! The
future will be tomorrow.
The future will indeed be heavily influenced by technology. The future
will also be about people, and how they make themselves into a community.
That will be the k.y role of the public library in the future.
Since ancient Alexandria, libraries have been collections of documents
representing ideas, where scholars and others went to learn. In America, the
public library was for decades the "people's university" where one could go
and get a book on most any topic, or have the librarian find one for you.
The advent of the Internet has led many to doubt the role of public
libraries in the2lst Century. "I can look it up on the web," they say. Hon-
estly: have you looked anything up on the web and found the right answer,
with a single click? More likely, you have received a range of websites, from
the spurious to the authoritative, but little in the way of guidance.
You Tirbe, MySpace, and FaceBook (and whatever the next hot app is) are
tech methods for people to connect. The downside is that those connec-
tions are at the distance of telecommunications. Futurists predict that the
more gadgets society uses, the more people will crave the personal touch.
That is where the public library will be. It will be the crossroads of the
community, where people can meet people, to learn and to grow. It will be future is about people. It's about creating space that is welcoming. It is
where professionals help you sift through the millions of bytes that the Inter- where people learn from each other and where they can talk about issues
net throws at you, in order to find that which satisfies your question. It will critical to democracy."
be where children can learn to read, or adults can learn to read better. The As Roselle looks to create a new future, the Roselle Public Library plans
Library will be the place to explore, be it through books, or websites, or peo- to be the place rvhere new residents meet old timers, where children learn
ple sharing their talents and knowledg.. from adults - and vice versa. At the Roselle Public Library, you will find the
Leslie Burger, Director of the Princeton Public Library and president of tools to envision the future for yourself. Contact the library for information
the American Library Association, said recently that "The library of the on all scheduled programs.

tla$ Llcense tihrcry Hosts "Amfiuing"

Fee Schedule Reuding Cluh for Kids
lf you ore looking to obtoin 0 free reading and recreation program, called Amazrnq Kids Club, is
dog license for your pet, fees .,'iii.,*

ore $q per yeor for eoch '- ' being run through the Roselle Public Library, for children ages five to
12. The six-week program runs Monday though Friday, beginning July 9.
spoyed (neutered) dog, ond Activities include library reading, health and fitness, arts and crafts, a math
$t Z per yeor for eoch non- club and cook/shop clubs. Teen time is held on Wednesday evenings. Pre-
spoyed (non-neutered) dog, oc-
registration is required. Registration forms are available at the Roselle Pub-
cording to Rhono C. Bluestein, lic Library or on the Web at or contact Nicole
Borough Clerk. "The fees in- Younger at (908) 245-5810.
clude the chsrge for the registro-
tion tog of eoch dog, with 20
cents of thot omount ollocoted
for the N.J. Pilot Clinic (Robies) :k ;'liiiiiilll{ii
Fund; $t is the required N.J.
R"gistrotion Fee; ond o $g surchorge for non-spoyed ond non- il.uffi
\"' is ollocoted for the NJ. Pet Populqtion Control Fund,"
neutered dogs
she so id.
Licenses expire on December 3l of eoch yeor. There is o $2 sur-
chorge for lote renewol of o pre-existing dob license ofter Jonuory
3l , she soid. "New, first-time dog license registrotions moy be done
of ony fime without o lote registrotion surchorg€," soid Bluestein.
ln oddition, eoch dog licenie opplicotion and/or renewol requires
documentqtion of curre-nt robies volcinotion. The Dog License Appli-
cotion fee is poid t" th" "Borougt;an"i"tb; ot tn" dororgh Clelk's
Office ot Bolough Holl, 210 CXestnut Street, I st floor. Ap"plicotions
ore. ovoilobl" gi the Borough Clerk's Office ond on the'Borough's
web site. All informotion, irrcluding proof of current robies uoccino-
tion in oddition to the poid fee mi'ri b" completed before the dog
license ond registrotion tog will be issued. '

6 Roselle Roundup o Summer 2007

Keefin$ Roselle Green
Roselle Shode Tree Commission is working to
N enhonce the Borough's noturol beouV ond greenery
hy Tointoining ond ploXting trees ond thirbr il'i"rg[;;
the Borough.
The group hos mony functions when it comes to trees in
the oreo. "The Commission exercises exclusive control over
tree regulotion ond plontings, ond cores for shode ond
ornomentol trees ond shrubbery locoted on public high-
woys ond spoces," soid Bryon Prewitt, o Shode Tree C;m-
missioner. "We olso regulote ond confrol the use of the
ground underneoth the"tr"es for n"."rrory gro*ih,-.or"
gnd protection. We look to remove ony r"6r thot ore o
fhreot t9 public,sofety. We olso oversee trees on empty lots
thot belong to the Borough." The volunteer commissioners
ore oppoi-nt"d by the ,{oyor for o five-yeor perioj, ;;i
serve without compensotion.
The Shode rree Commission olso hos o communitu
forestry plon. "The plon hos ollowed us to be certified or 6
Tree city upA for the lost 15 yeors," he soid. The group
reviews ond recommends tree policy procedure. "W6 prc
vide educotion, sponsor Arbor Dbv, ond review ldnd-
scoped plons thot ore submitted to plonning ond zoning
boqrds. We olso oversee the tree plonting" brdget oni
instollotion of trees," soid Prewitt. '
Currently, the group is working to protect frees from fhe from q tree hgt to bg disposed of by burning," he sqid. "This problem is
Asion Longhorn Beetle infestotion. "As there is evidence of this beefle- hoppening oll over the Eost Coost.'i
which is in Linden, ond is working its woy towqrd Roselle, pork-oreos The gtg,rp meets on the first Thursdoy of every month ot 6 p.m. in
ore being quorontined. Ihis unfort-unotely meons thot oll the'debris token Borough Holl.

Fourth Phose 0f The West Brook Flood Proiect h Stort Next Yeur
--5he-lol-g-un".aited fourth phase of the West Brook Flood
Project, which of Environmental Protection; a $2 million dollar grant from Union County;
--S rvill allorv for protection of Roselle's flood-prone areas, is expected to and $2 million dollars from the Borough of Roselle.
begin next Spring, said Frank P. Koczur, Boro,rgh Engineer. Onc. th. proi- The project encompasses building a system of culverts and bridges, and
ect is completed, said Koczur, Borough Engineer, residents who live in flbod- will include excavation of the channel and brook to allow for protection
prone areas of Roselle would not be required to pay for flood insurance for against floods. "This project will give residents in the floo d zoie 100-year
their homes. protection from storms," Koscur said. "We're going to widen the channel.
Funding for the $9 million project is being provided through several We'll replace culverts that are of an inaccurate size io when you have water
sources, including a grant of $5.5 million from the New ]ersey Department going through them, there will be enough protection.')

Street Puving ln toselle Continuet

Borough hos been oworded $395,000 in gront funding for street
improvements throughout Roselle.
A $175,000 Union Cgunty Development Gront is bringing smoother
surfoces to Roselle's roodyo)s,,with.resurfocing o.n{lepoYr p"roiectr rloted fon
. Groce Streef from Wheotsheof Rood to Mlrtin Street '

. Meodow Street from Homiliton Avenue to Linden Rood

o West 9th Avenue from Pine Street to Locust Street
o Morris Street from Eost 12th Avenue to Gront Street

r\ Another gr91t for $220,009 *gs ollocoted througlr the NewJersey

Deportment of Tronsportotion Fund for poving of the"following roods:'
. Spruce Street from Eost 7th to 8th Avenri", v
. street from whire Streeilo Eosr 9th Avenue
r .Rjyinglqn
West /th Avenue from Stonley Terroce to Woshington Avenue
. Sheridon Avenue from Newmon ploce to Georqe; ploce
o Eost 5th Avenue from Spruce Street to populor Street
officiols hope to receive gront fura*g r";i;"or;; .;-plete more srreer

Roselle Roundup o Summer 2007 7

(ouncil Approves Muyor's Proposed Property Tox Cuts kontinued)
Donsereou; Third Word Councilperson Ceciliq in mointoining o household on o fixed income, but louded fhe moyor for
Dollis-Ricks; ond Fourth Word Councilmon his efforts.
Clorence Cunninghom were omong those who "lt's the first time we've ever hod on officiol hold o speciol meeting like
ottended the Moy 29 meeting. this," soid Joseph Jordim, o locol business owner.
"My obiective is to bring tronsporency to gov- The moyor soid he hopes thqt through his open communicotion ond out-
ernment in Roselle. All of us ore entrusted to reoch to the community, residents con better understond the chollenges the
serve the borough's needs ond must be occount- Borough foces.
oble ond responsive to the needs of the commu- "We hove to be reolistic obout whot the borough con do to provide re
nity." Smith soid. lief to toxpoyers-we're doing the best we .on" under ousiere circum-
Roselleresidents During the forum, members of the oudience stonces," soid Smith following the meeting. "There is o properl./ tox crisis
participatein a dialogue expressed their views on vorious issues. Regord- looming over the entire stote-despite our efforts to reduce toxes, the stote,
onpropertytaxes. less of differing perspectives, residents ogreed gounty ond locol school budget ore foctors the municipolity hos limited in-
thot the Moyor',s property tox relief plon is o step fluence over," soid Smith.
in the right direction. Somuel soid the Council's Budget Committee is working with the Moyor
Josper ond Kothleen Whye, who moved to the Borough o yeor ogo ond the Borought Chief Finonciol Cfficer, Adrion Mopp, to present o pre
from Queens, porticipoted in the meeting ond volunteered iheir support to liminqry budget for Fiscol 2008 by this September.
the Moyor. "We're roising our son here ond we don't mind poying the "Moyor Smith's plon is resulting in the first tox cuts thot the Borough hos
toxes if we're getting the services ond con send our son to decent schools. seen in the posttwentyyeors. Despite the finonciol obstocles focing the Bor-
It's up to oll of us to moke o difference," soid Kothleen Whye. ough ond the differences in perspective omong the Council, I om hopeful we
Longtime senior citizen residents olso expressed the hordship they foce con bond togetherforthe residents ond poss the finol Budget," soid Somuel.

Youth Cun PIAY 7 to 7 konrinued)

PLAY 7 to 7 (Positive Learning Activities for Youth) is sponsored by the munity leaders and volunteers," said Nicole Younger, Director of Academic
Borough in conjunction with the Board of Education, and offers youth and Recreation Programs for the Borough.
recreational and learning experiences to occupy their time throughout the The program will include a health and fitness component, arts and crafts
summer months, free of charge for borough residents. activities, tennis, chess,ping pong games, and much more. "\Me'll have poetry
"Our main objective is to provide a safe environment where children can night and storytellingi'saidYounger. "The program will include anacademic
enjoy fun activities and at the same time enhance their learning experiences enrichment component that will include book, math and writing clubs."
through enrichment programs that exercise their minds and creativity as The program is the first of its kind in Roselle. "I'm hoping that we will pro-
welli'said Smith. vide a safe haven on the playgrounds of the Roselle communifyi' she said.
Starting Iuly 9, children in the second through I2'h grades will be able to "We will also offler quality academic and recreational activities that will
enjoy a host of fun recreational and educational activities from 7 a.m. to 7 encourage our youth to develop and grow." "We are expecting between 60
p.ffi., Monday through Frida.y, at five locations: Washington School Play- to 70 children per site."
ground, Harrison School Playground, Charles C. Polk School Playground, A11 Participants must be Roselle residents, and present proof of residenc\..
Grace Wilday School Playground, and Bud Simmons Playground in Pine The deadline for registration was June 30,2007. With the ovenvhelming
Street Park. "Our motto is the communitF behind the youth. That includes response for enrollment to the program, a waiting list has been created. For
the participation of the Borough of Roselle Office, Board of Education, com- more information, please contact Nicole Younger at the Roseile Librani

Roselle Pop Wolner Fooll-qll &, [heerlesdLng Regislrution

Zoning 0rdinance ltfiukes Room
Bays snd Girls Ages 5 - l5
boll ond Cheerleoding for Wider Drivewoys ond Pstios
qnnounces its registrotion for the Foll seqson.
'' .iii lhonks to o new zoning ordinance reloting to impervious surfoce cov-
Cosf: Flog Levels- $OS M-itey Mite-Midgets- iiii eroge, residents con now put o potio in their bockyord, or widen their
$ t ZS
drivewoy to occommodote two cors. "An impervious surfoce is something
Regisfrotion Dofes & Times: Tuesdoy July lOth 6-8 p.m. Lond Field thot woter con not go through, such os o concrete drivewoy or porch. At
Thursdq/July 1?t.h 6-8 p m. Lond Field
9ne point, you were ollowed to increose your imperious surfoce coveroge
Tuesdoy July 17th 6-8 p.m. Borough Holl [on your properV] by up to 30"/", but if you wonted to widen o drivewoy
ThursdoyJuly l gth 6-8 p.m. Borough Holl or put o potio in the bockyord, you'd need more covero ge:' exploined
fodngy Smith, Zoning Officer. "People wonted to moke improvements to
Prcrcfice Begins July SOth @ lcnd Field
& p.m. at Sylvesfer hplp beoutily their home, but they couldn't becouse they were limited."
The Moyor ond Council recently possed on ordinonce to increose imper-
For More lnformotion Contocf: Cooch Cheese
590 69?4
vious coveroge to 40% whlch meons homeowners hove more flexibility
_Kevon t?ggl
Blg ?078 when exponding or resurfocing the drivewoys, porches ond potios.
Dewon l2}ll 697-9647
To increose impervious coveroge of your home, residents need to fill out
Corlo t908) 887-3606 on opplicotion ot the Roselle Zoning Deportment. "Appliconts should hove
E ma iI : rosel lepopworner@comcost. net o_c9py of their home survey thot includes the dimensions, or o drowing
or visit www. of the structure they wont to surfoce or build onto," soid Smith. For more
informqtion, coll (908) 634-4540.

8 Rcselle Roundup o Summer 2OO7

Rosells (omffiunity Scenof


Celebroting Memoriol Doy; Fire Sofety Doy; Reloy for Life;

Abrohqm Clork High School ROTC; ond the Zerbini Circus.

Surnmer Progrilffif Give Studenlt u (ompetitive Advontoge

By Dr. Elnardo Webster, Superintendent of Schools

=*'g5=he summer months are an important time to occupy sponsored by the Borough and Board of Education, in addi-
.S= your children with enrichment programs and activi- tion to enrichment classes offered throughout the district.
ties that can help them perform better academically. Stud- The free summer programs offered in the Roselle Public
ies show that children who participate in summer enrich- Schools include band, E.S.L, open SIm, math and language
ment programs have an advantage over other students in arts. Class schedules vary and run through August 30'h. For
the pursuit of academic excellence. Parents also have "peace more information on courses and their locations visit our
of mind" when they know that their chiidren are participat- web site at www. Roselles cho ols. o rglhome. aspx.
ing in supervised activities. I am hoping that everyone will take advantage of these
I encouruge you to take advantage of the various pro- great opportunities and I look forward to seeing you in the
grams offered by the Borough of Roselle and Roselle Public fall. Together with the help of parents and the community,
Schools to keep your children positively engaged this sum- the Roselle Public Schools are committed to serving the
mer. Thke advantage of the Play 7 to 7 summer program co- needs of students as An Institute of Excellence. ::


Roselle Roundup o Summer 2007 "

d,l I

HOUSEHOLD TRASH is picked up twice o week from As of June 12, 2006, Roselle Residents Are No The items include: gloss bottles (green, brown, clecr),
side yords only. The onimol cnd vegetoble ond ony Longer Able To Use The Bulk /Metal Contciners ln Tils o lu m inum / tin co ns, procu ro ble plcstic botiles (# I , #2
other orgonic wosle resulting from the hondling, Public Works Yord Until Further Notice milk/sodc contoiner(s). Cordboord boxes, (oppiionce
preporotion, cooking ond consumption of food or boxes) must be cut down ond tied-in bundles ond oll
other producis. Contoiners sholl not exceed (30) gol lf you ore moving, pleose coll Public Works "First, " poper bcsed recyclobles; newspo per/mixecj poper,
lon c.:pccily or weigh more thon (50) pounds. Ordi- prior to plocing Bulk Trosh ot the curb for pick up, if it mogozines, books (hord covers removed) rust be
ncrce # I 839 is nct Bulk Trosh Pick-up week. This includes multiple tied-up in bundles (NC PLASTIC BAGS)
ond single fomily dwelling units. The Properiy
The conircctor will pick up ct curb, olreody existing owner / reo ltor o rrd or mo nogement com po ny is Items noi occepted
businesses lo moximum or (4) 3O gollon cons per pick responsible for notifying his/her tenonts obout house- for pick up with recy-
up] wice o week" All cport- hold/bulk trosh rules/regulotion requirements FAILURE clings ore: cor bot-
ment complexes, -ondo- TO COMPLY V/ILL RESULT IN SUMMONS' BEING teries, household
miniums with ISSUED botieries, slyrofoo m,
morL) ihcn (4) pocking peonuts,
units, trosh/bulk ANY FIRE DEBRIS AS A RESULT OF FIRE WILL NOT bubble wrops, plcs-
must be ploc.:d ct BE PICKED UP THE HOMEOVVNER IS RESPONSIBLE tic children toys,
curbside fcr pick up. Plecse do not FOR DISPCSAL plostic crafes/ corts, wooden,/ploslic pollets, oil cons,
plcce gorbcge ol the curb on o regulor bosis or leove egg cortons, drinking glosses, wire hongers, VCR
ot curb (SUMMONS' WILL BE ISSUED) PLEASE NCTEI We do not cccept or pick up rlre fol- topes, cortridge film#5 plostic, plostic bogs, fluores-
lcwing items. no construciion debris moieriols such cs cent tubes, light bi;ll":s, plostic loundry boskeis, plostic
o Cloihesr/rcgs must be ploced in o sturdy conioiner sheetrock, concrete, mosonry bricks, storres, rocks, (5) gcllon pcils, (ioint compound) point cons, tcr cons
or cleor plostic bog ot curbside for pick up. dirt; ospholt, plcster, roof shingles or ony construction etc FAILURE TO COMPLY WILL RESULT lN SUM
. Styrofoom con be co-mingled with your regulor moterial os o resuh of privote controcior or home- MCNS BEING ISSUED
household gcrbcge for pick up. owner doing the work.
t Point cons must hove point removed from the cons Public Works Recycling,/Wcste Oil Drop-Off Center
prior io plccing them in trosh, (This is o not o Recyclo- No hozordous mcteriols such os gos, point ihinner, locoled al 1121 Chondler Avenue; open between
ble ltem) or scve point for The Union Cou nty llaz- freon, chlorine, motor oil, tronsmission fluid, ontifreeze ihe hours of B:00 o.m. - 2.00 p.m., Mondoy - Fri-
o rdous '/r/cste Doy Co ll the hotline or propone tonks,/ocelylene/ oxygen tonks will be doy. Residents con bring iheir recyclobles; newspo-
{9CB) 654gBBe picked up. Pleose coii The Union County Bureou of pers, bottles/cons, woste oil, ccr botieries & hcuse-
Environmentol Services for l)azardous Wcste Doy hold botieries for recycling. NO PROPANE TANKS,
VEGETATIVE WASTE will begin in April2oo7 Furrher Schedule ct (9081 6547BBq NO ANTI FREETT CR USED GASOLI\.IE OR ANY
informotion will be ovoiloble ot o loter dote. KIND OF FLAM^^ABLES
METAL is picked up the lost
BULK TRASH is picked up on the lsr ond 3rd Wednes- Thursdoy of eoch monih ond you j.
Due to N DEP Solid Woste
doy of eoch of month ct curbside. Everything must be must ccllweek in odvonce for
(1 ) Regulotions, we con no
ploced ot the curb the night before ofier 6.OO p.m. schedule pick up. ltems cre to be longer occept the following
These iiems include: wooden furnilure, TV's, tobles, ploced ot the curb, the night in bulk trcsh pick-up: moni-
choirs, dressers, hecdboords, cobinets, wooden before ofier 6.OO p.m. These tcis, hord drives, modems,
shelves, love sects, couches, mottresses, lomps, vcc- items include. woshing mochines, keyboords, CPUs phone,
uum cleoners, gloss dishes, plcstic crotes, drinking ryers, dishwcshers, microwovcs, printers, mice, sccnners,
glosses, window gloss, loundry boskets, ..*rooden rretol fcns, metol sinks/tubs, oir con- VCRs, fox mochines, circuii
doors, mirrors, ploie gloss, toilets, ceromic sinks/iubs, dilioners, freezers, boilers, dehumidifiers, bocrds, propone
wooden fromes, toys, oudio equipment, speokers, rug olum inum/ sieel storm window fromes w / o gloss, n ks,/ocellene weld
tc i n g
podding , rug/ccrpets (must 5e cut/rolledrltied-up in 4' stoves, metol doors ond fromes, melal/copper ond iron tonks, no gas cons. All Resi
lengths), wood 2x4's cut to 4' length ond tied in bun- pipes (cut to 4leet lengths cnd tied in bundles), metol dents ore urged to hold items for ihe L,lnion Counly Aaz
dles (cll not to exceed 50 lb. weight limit). lf you ore round fence posi (Concrete must be removed frorn post). ordous Wosie Doys (908) 654 9890.
puiting oui wooden roilrood ties or wooden 6x6 No cor ports. Any metol/opplionc::s over 5O lbs in
plnnks, pleose ccll Public works prior to puiting it out to weight, you must coll Public Wc,rks ct (9OB) 245-2920, PLEASE REMFMBER TO VISIT US ON THE WEBSITE:
curb, ii requires Speciol pick up w/heovy equipmeni. prior to putting it oui to the curb for pick up. o t www. boroughofrosel le. com.
Aerosol cons cnd fluorescent lights should be ploced
out with bulk trosh. You must wrap them up so thot they Residents ore enccu;cged to hove opplicnce IF YOU EXPERIEI..]CE A SANITARY SEWER PROBLEfu{
won't explocJe ,,nrhile men cre plocing them in the irosh declers dispose of old opplionce due to EPA Freon AFTER BUSINTSS HCURS, CALL YCUR LOCAL
truck or sove them for Union Counly Hozordous Woste Requiremenis POLTCE DEPARTMENT AT (908 24s 2OO0
Doy All bulk items must be plcced ot curb, stocked
neotly NO BULK lS TO BE PLACED lN CARDBOARD RECYCLING is picked up every other Fridoy ond items
BOXES OR PLASTIC BAGS DUE TO THE UNION ct the curb the night before ofier 6.OO
musl be ploce
COUNry UILW AUTHORW PLEASE DC NOT MIX p.m. lf items ore missed, pleose leove oi curb ond coll
MEIALS/WHITE GOODS WITH THE BULK/HOUSE the ioll free number I (BB B) 7387348 (Gloss/plos-
HOLD TRASH FAITURE TO CCMPLY WILI RESULT IN tic bofiles & cons con be co-mingled together in ihe
SUMMONS BEING ISSUED so me conto iner) .

Roselle Roundup o Summer 2007 il

semono solomente de los iordines lcteroles de los LAVADCRAS CON LA BASURA DE GRAN TAMANO los orticulos deben ser colocodos en lo ocero lo noche
viviendcs. Los residuos onimoles, vegetcles y otros de EL NO CUMPLIR CON ESTCS REGUISITOS RESUL onterior luego de lcs 6.OO p.m. Si folton crliculos, por
tipo orgdnico resullodo del moneio, preporcci6n, TARA EN LA EMISION DE MULTAS fovor deielos en lo ocero y llome ol nimero grotuito 1

cocino y consumo de climentos u otros productos. Los (BBS) 7387348. (Botellos de vidrio/plcstico y lctos
contenedores no deben superor los (30) gclones de A portir del l2 de iunio del 2006 y hosto nuevo pueden ser colocodcs iuntos en el mismo contenedor).
copocidod o pesor mos de (50) libros. Crdenonzo cviso, los residentes de Roselle no pueden utilizor los
# I 839 contenedores meidlicos ubicodos en Obrcs P0blicos. Los orticulos incluyen: botellos de vidrio (verdes, mcr-
rones, clcros) lotos de metcl y oluminio, botellos plos-
El controtisto recogero Si usted se eslc mudondo, por fovor llome primero o ticcs recuperobles (# I , #2 conienedores de leche o
de lo ocero, de comer- "Obros Publicos" ontes de coloccr bosuro de gron sodo). Coios de corton (coios de electrodomesiicos)
cios yo existentes (un tomcno en lo ocero, si no es lo semono de recolec- deben ser cortodos y olodos en poquetes y todos los
moximo de 4 lotos de cion progromodo poro bosuro de gron tomono. Eslo reciclobles con bcse de popel, diorios, popel mez-
30 golones por incluye unidodes de uno y m0ltiples fomllios. El propi clodo, revistos, libros
recoleccion) dos veces etorio, ogenle inmobiliorio o compoiic odmin- (sin los topos duros)
por semono. En todos islrodoro es responsoble de notificor o sus inquilinos deben ser oiodos en
los compleios de sobre lcs regulociones y requerimientos ocerco de los poquetes (NO BOLSAS
deportomentos, condo- residuos EL INCUMPLIMIENTC DE ESTA REGLA DE PLASTTCO)
unidodes, los residuos deben ser deiodos en lo ocero Articulos que no se
poro su recoleccion (SE EMITIRAN MULTAS). CUATQUIER RESIDUO RESULTADO DE UN INCEN ocepton en lo recolec-
DIO, NC SERA RECOGIDC EL PROPIETARIO ES cion de reciclobles incluyen. boterics de cutomoviles,
oVeslimentos/Tropos deben ser deicdos en un con- RESPONSABLE DE LA DISPCSICICN DE ESOS boierios de uso domesiico, telgopor (sfrofoom), coc-
tenedor rfgido o bolso plostico tronsporente en lo RESIDUCS ohuotes de empoque, plostico prolecior de empoque-
ocero poro ser recogidos. todo, iugueles plosticos, coiones y corros plosticos,
oTelgopor (slrofoom) pueden ser coloccdo con los PCR FAVCR, TOME NOTA No recogemos los sigu- plotoformcs de mcdero o plostico, lotos de oceite, cor-
residuos domesticos regulores poro ser recogido. ientes orticulos: motericles de conslrucci6n como tones de huevos, vosos poro bebei cintos de video,
oLoios de pinturcs deben ser vocicdos ontes de ser Sheetrock, concrelo, lodrillos de mosonerio, piedros, corluchos de peliculos, plostico numero 5, bolsos plos-
colocodos en lo bosuro. (Este no es un crticulo reci- rocos, tierro, osfolto, yeso, teios o cuolquier otro ticos, tubos fluorescenies, lomporilios de luz, conostos
clcble) o deie lo pinturo poro el dic de desechos peli- orticulo de construccion como resultodo de un trcbcio pldsticos poro ropo, contenedores pldsticos de 5
grosos del Condodo de Union Lineo telefonico (908) c corgo de un controtisto privodo. gclones, lotos de pinturo, etc. EL INCLUMPLIMIENTO
654 9889 .''.:,'1f
Nc moiericies peligrosos como MULTAS
LOS DESECHOS VEGETALES su recolecci6n comen- gos, removedor de pinluro,
zara en obril del 2007. En uno fecho futuro se doro freon, cloro, cceile de moiores, Lo oficino de recicloie y recepcion de cceites de
o conocer mds informocion. liquido de tronsmisi6n, onticon- Obros Publicos se ubico en el nUmero 1 121 de lo
gelonte o tonques de Avenido Chondler, y se encuenlro obierto en el hororio
BASURA DE GRAN TAMANIO r"ro recogido de lo propo no / acelileno serd n de B.OO o.m. o 2.OO p.m. de lunes o viernes. Los resi-
ocero duronle el primer y tercer miercoles del mes. recogidos. Por fovor llome o dentes pueden llevcr sus ortfculos reciclobles, ciiorios,
Todo debe ser colocodo en lc ocero lo noche onte- lo oflcino de Servicios . lotos y botellos, oceite usodo, bcterios de ouiomoviles
rior despues de los 6.OO p.m. Estos criiculos incluyen: Ambientoles del Condodo y boterios de uso dom6slico paro ser reciclodos. NO
muebles de modero, mesos, sillcs, ccjoneros, gobi- de Union o ol colendcrio de Dio de residuos peli- SE ACEPTAN TANEUES DE PROPANO, ANTICON
netes, estcnles de mcdero, sillones individucles, sil- grcsos del Condodo de Union ol (eOBl 6s4eBBe GEANTE, GASOLINA USADA O CUALQUIER OTRO
lones, colchones, ldrnparos, ospircdoros, televisores, TIPO DE SUSTANCIAS INFLAMABLES
plctos de vidrio, coiones de plosfico, vosos, estontes MEIAL Es recogido el ULTIMO JUEVES de codo mes
de vidrio, venionos de vidrio, conostos paro ropo, y usted debe llomor (1) semcno ontes poro progromor Debido o los regulociones de residuos del DEP del
puertos de mcdero, espeios, inodoros, tinos de bono, lo recoleccion. Los orticulos deben ser coloccdos en estodo de Nuevo Jersey no oceplomos los siguienles
morcos de modero, iuguetes, equipos de oudio, por-. lo ocerc, lo noche onterior luego de lcs 6:OO p.m. orticulos en lo recoleccion de orticulos de gron
lontes, bose de olfombrcs, olfombros (deben ser cor- Fstos orticulos incluyen: moquinos lovodorcs de ropo, tomoio. monitores, discos rigidos, modems, teclodos
todos y otodos en poquetes de 4 pies de lorgo) secodoros de ropo, hornos de microondos, venti- de computodorcs, CPU de lelefono, impresoros,
mcdercs de 2x4, plonchcs de modero, molduros lcdores de metol, piletos y tinos de bono de metcl, rclones de compulodoros, escdners, ielevisores,
deben ser corlodos o 4 pies y ctodos en pcquetes opcrotos de oire ccondicionodo, congelodores, videogrobodoros, mdquincs fccsimiles, tobleros de
que no superen los 50 libros de peso. Si usled deseo colderos, humidificodores, morcos de ventonos de circuitos electronicos, lonques de propono o ccetileno
poner en lo bosuro durmientes de ferrocorril o plon- oluminio o ocero, rodiodores, estufos, cortcdoros de poro soldor, tonques de gos. Se recomiendo o los
chos de mcdero superiores o 6x6, por fovor llome o cesped y porrillos de iordin, refrigerodores (lcs puer- residentes montener sus orticulos hosto lc reclizccion i

Cbrcs Pibliccs ontes de colocorlo en lo ocero, yc tcs deben ser retirodos), termotonques, puertos de del Dio de residuos peligrosos del Condodo de l

melol y morcos, conerfos de metcl, cobre y ocero 6549890


que requiere uno recoleccion especiol con Union (9081 t


equipomiento pesodo. Lcios de cerosol y lubos de luz {cortodo s a 4 pies de lorgo y otcdos en poquetes),
fluorescente deben ser deiodos con lo bosuro de gron postes de cercos de metol ), e! cemento debe retirorse POR FAVOR RECUERDE VISITARNCS EN EL SITIO
fomono. Debe envolverlos bien pCIrCI que no exploten de los postes. WE B www. boroughofrosel le. com
o donen o olguien mientrcs se colocon en el comion
de bosuro o se guordon poro el dio de residuos peli- No portes de outos. Por cuolquier electrodomestico SI USTED SE ENCUENTRA EXPERIMENTANDO UN PROB
grosos del Condodo de Union. Todo lo bosuro de de mos de 5O libros de peso debe llomor c Obros LEMA CON SERVICIO DE CLOACAS FUERA DEL HORARIO
gran tomono debe ser colocodo en lo ocerc, de r'ncn- Pf blicos ol (908t 245-2920 anies de colocorlo en lo DE ATENCION DE OFICINA, LL\ME AL DEPARTAMENTO
ero ordenodo NO COLOAUE BASURA DE GRAN ocero poro ser recogido. Se sugiere o los residenies LOCAL DE POLrCin nL (9oB) 245 2ooo
TAMANO EN CAAS DE CARTON O BOLSAS PLAS hccer que los vendedores dispongon de los vieios
TICAS, DEBIDO A LA AUTORIDAD DE SERVICIOS electrodom6slicos debido o los requerimientos de EPA

t2 Roselle Roundup o Summer 2007

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