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Meeting 2

Introduction to Information Management

Information Research Method

Information and Communication Management Program

College of Multimedia Yogyakarta

Tri Anggraeni, S.Kom., M.Sc.
Reference : Bytheway, A. (2014). Investing in
Information The Information Management Body of
Knowledge (IMBOK). London : Springer.

Information Management (IM)

Cuek, move their thoughts to something of
more obvious interest.
Orang awam

Working professional :
business manager,
travel agent, doctor,

Berpikir apakah pemahaman akan IM

akan bermanfaat.
Akan setuju bahwa pekerjaan mereka
sangat berkaitan dengan memperoleh,
memproses, dan menggunakan

Information Management (IM)

IT specialist

Cara memperoleh dan menyimpan data

Database management challenges
User yang menyulitkan mereka dalam
mendefinisikan, membuat, dan menyerahkan
sistem informasi yang sebenarnya sangat
berguna bagi user tsb.

Depends on the point-of-view.

Different people may have significantly different ideas
about what IM is and how it impacts on or contributes
to their lives.

Siapapun dari orang yang paling awam dan uneducated sampai

spesialis SI yang paling ahli, baik secara sadar ataupun tidak :
Flow of information has become critical

Surprisingly :::
Istilah IM malah lebih sering ditemukan pada tulisan-tulisan
dari disiplin profesional tertentu seperti teknik kimia,
manajemen pelabuhan, dan government, daripada di literatur
teknikal software dan SI.

Kunci Manajemen Information : Video

We are now ::
Depend on
to information
it need to be
to achieve an

Untuk membuat informasi :

Harus membuat semua orang
memahami :
Bagaimana teknologi bisa membuat
Bagaimana informasi mempengaruhi
kehidupan semua orang secara
menguntungkan dan merugikan.
Bagaimana informasi dapat
membantu orang untuk mencapai
keinginannya, baik di keluarga,
komunitas, atau pekerjaan.

Contoh Kebutuhan Informasi

A recently employed and empowered graduate in Tanzania might
want to buy a smart cell phone;
An entrepreneur in New Mexico might want to set up a Website;
A bed and breakfast business in New Zealand might want to
implement a credit card payment facility;
A global oil company might want to find new ways to distil the oil
out of the data from their geological surveys;
The government of a well-developed country might want to
implement a new, country-wide, health insurance scheme.
A pensioner on a cruise in the South Atlantic might not understand
why the email service from the business center does not work,
because there is no satellite connection in place.
Might Possibility, prediction


Information Management (IM)

Wide variety of particular scenarios are daunting.

Rate of technology change is breath taking.
Some individuals/orgs cant understand and accept the change.
Insistence of others to force it seems to refuse analysis & understanding

Examine the different stages in delivering real value from IT to :
Present tools that anyone can use to think about it.
Make appropriate plans to use it.
Act in ways that will improve their lives and their work.

A stakeholder context for information management

Sangat penting untuk mengidentifikasi dan

memahami semua individu dan organisasi yang
dapat mempengaruhi bisnis.
Sebuah teknologi (misal smartphone/tablet)
dapat mempengaruhi satu atau semua
kelompok stakeholder di samping.
Pengaruh yang terjadi dapat bermacam2 & berbeda2.
Dapat menguntungkan atau merugikan.
Ada pola ketergantungan
di antara stakeholders.

Short Cases
Courier services (the individual working with business and
The legal profession (a professional business drowning in
A university (a community trying to bring in efficiency and
standard practice)
Central government (a national government unable to deliver
its promises)

1. Courier services (the individual working with

business and government)

While reading, take notes to everyone contributed to the

The local courier was incompetent and did not follow the
Bill was too lazy to make a phone call.
The FedEx system failed to check that all required
information was actually available, and despite their famous
investment in Web-based package tracking, at the end of
the day there was a collective failure to perform.
The government provided only a traditional snail mail
route to submit tenders, with all the concomitant risks.

1. Courier services (the individual working with

business and government)
Case 1 shows :
How organizational boundaries are dissolving
The reach of information systems is extending
Awareness of the need for good information management is
becoming more obvious to everyone.
Combination of issues concerning business, government,
community and the individual.
Interdependent, information-connected world. and Web services can be effective in getting
people with shared problems and interests together.

2. Legal Profession Battles with Huge Numbers of


Bahkan bisnis yang paling profesional ADA yang

belum menyadari keuntungan dari IT & IM.
Pengacara berkualifikasi tinggi & sukses belum menyadari
bahwa teknologi dapat berperan besar dalam manajemen
informasi kasus pengadilan.
Sangat tingginya biaya layanan hukum saat ini + sangat
banyaknya kebutuhan akan layanan ini : sangat penting untuk
meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektifitas proses hukum.
Lebih banyak kasus dapat diproses, lebih banyak orang
dapat ditolong.
Jika bertindak benar, pengacara dapat menghasilkan
keuntungan yang jauh lebih tinggi.

2. Pertarungan antara profesi hukum dengan dokumen2

yang berjumlah besar
Penggunaan komputer di profesi hukum biasa dijumpai dan
manfaatnya diketahui.
Tapi masih ada profesional seperti Johannes yang masih
memilih metode tradisional yang lambat, tidak terpercaya,
dan tidak dapat menangani informasi yang besar.
Beberapa hal yang dapat dikritisi :
1. Adakah sistem yang dapat menyediakan manajemen,
analisis, dan pelaporan bukti hukum? Dapatkah sistem itu
2. Apakah desain dan pembuatan sistem itu harus dipimpin
oleh pengacara atau spesialis IT?
3. Bagaimana cara menghilangkan keteguhan pendirian
pengacara senior? Tanpa keterlibatan mereka ide
pembuatan sistem tidak akan pernah terwujud.

2. Legal Profession Battles with Huge Numbers of

Beberapa hal yang dapat dikritisi (lanjutan) :
4. Apakah ini kesempatan yang akan membuat 1 perusahaan
hukum mencuri keuntungan perusahaan lain, sehingga
perusahaan itu menjadi lebih kuat dan sukses?
Atau apakah semua industri hukum bisa bekerjasama dan
membangun 1 sistem tunggal yang dapat digunakan bersama
untuk memaksimalkan manfaatnya?
5. Apakah sistem dapat menggunakan layanan cloud, tablet,
laptop, atau workstation berbasis PC?
6. Apa yang perlu diubah pada operasional perusahaan dan
tanggung jawab staf terkait, untuk memaksimalkan manfaat?
Early adopters dapat mengalahkan industri yang gagal
memperhatikan kemajuan IT dan IM yang bagus.

IM in Education page 9-10 (8 paragraphs start from "Yvette looked
at the screen) : 4 students @2 paragraphs
Paragraph 1-2 :
Paragraph 3-4 :
Paragraph 5-6 :
Paragraph 7-8 :
Big problems in big government (7 paragraphs)
3 paragraphs : A series (NPfIT).
2 paragraphs : Alan Milburn managerial mess? +
1 last paragraph : This story .. Detail later.
1 paragraph + points : There are yet issues involved?
.. : Buku Making and Managing of IS 2010

About 4 Short Stories

Show potential difficulty that managers and others
face, a difficulty that arises from
investments in IT and IS.

Success Is Difficult to Find

Proyek pemerintahan/public sector sering bermasalah.
Termasuk United Kingdom National Health Service (NHS)
British parliamentarians : NHS IT system was one of the
worst failures ever.
Since it was initiated in 2002, the project has been followed
by technical and contractual problems.
British Public Accounts Committee : It was one of the worst
projects in the history of public sector endeavor, with a final
bill to tax payers around 11bn.
The project was finally closed down.
Some tax payers working in the IT industry, enjoyed enviable
salaries during the project: Contracts + easy revenue for
overseas suppliers of technology and services, and for

Success Is Difficult to Find

Ministers and civil servants had not learned and applied the
lessons of modern history.
Can we now assemble useful guidance from past experience?

Yes, my project was a success

IT project


Based on argument that their project came in on time

and within budget (the evidence : fewer than 50 % of IT
projects actually manage to do so).
This is not what we needed
If they had only come to talk to me I could have sorted
this out myself
Putting in this system has cost us 8 months production
we would have been better off without it
They put this system but provide me no support at allI
have no idea how I should be using it

Success Stories : TripAdvisor, Facebook, eBay and Amazon

Global, Web-based systems and information service.
Deliver access to massive information repositories.
Organize and catalogue/register the information.
Make it universally accessible to a global audience.
Track usage so each of us is known to them, so that we
become dependent on them, our inner thoughts and
preferences become public knowledge.
Profit :
: $63 million (2015
: $791 million (2014
: $46 million (2014
: $92 million (2015

So :
How to assure success and avoid failure??
Daem jumal e
Next week

Bagaimana perbedaan sikap antara orang awam, working
professionals, dan spesialis IT terhadap isu manajemen
Apa yang bisa disimpulkan?
Apa yang bisa menjadi bukti bahwa Flow of information has
become critical?
Apakah kunci dari manajemen informasi?
Apa yang diusahakan harus dipahami oleh semua orang, agar
dapat membuat informasi yang berkualitas?
Sebutkan macam-macam contoh kebutuhan informasi.
Sebutkan stakeholders dalam manajemen informasi.
Apa yang penting terkait dengan stakeholders tersebut?

Sebutkan 2 kasus singkat yang telah dibahas di pertemuan ini.
Siapa saja yang berkontribusi atas terjadinya kasus yang
Apa saja yang ditunjukkan oleh Case 1 dan Case 2?
Apa yang bisa dikritisi dari Case 2?
Perbedaan pendapat apa yang biasa terjadi antara IT project
manager dan pengguna sistem?
Bagaimana cara menjamin sukses dan menghindari kegagalan
dalam manajemen informasi?

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