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Brian Stacy

1) Set High goals
2) Have big ideas; believe and do it; have goals & values are in harmony;
be consistent with your
do what you care about --> satisfaction
ENJOY doing whatever you are doing
Self esteem will go up
3) Have success experiences
- have measurable goals
- "feel" it when you measure your goals sttus & meet them - feel good about it;
happy abt yourself
comparision should be with others & yourself
5) Recogniton by others whom you hold at high esteem (boss; family'; socal circl
someone's whoes opinion you hold imporetant
6) Rewards that are consisten twith your accomplishment
- tie the reward u gice yourslf to you meeting the goals you set for yourself
3 elements to living a well-balanced personal & Professional life
Clarity; Self-Esteem; Self-Discipline
They re-inforce each other
Self-discipline is MOST important
Make yourself do WHAT you should do WHEN you should do it - whether you feel lik
e it or not.
Have confidence.
Most of successes come when 1 extra step was taken beyind when you feel like giv
ing up (Perseverence).
Get started. And keep Going.
If you do this, nothing can stop you!

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