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What Is Synchronicity?

Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events which occur in a meaningful manner, but which are
causally un-related. In order to be synchronous, the events must be related to one another conceptually, and the
chance that they would occur together by random chance must be very small.
Synchronicity as a term was originally coined by Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung. Jung believed the
phenomena of synchronicity gave evidence of his theories on the archetypes and the collective consciousness.
While I will share many sources for further reading on the topic of synchronicity and related subjects throughout this course, our focus will be less on the theories of synchronicity and much more so on how it affects our
lives and how you can integrate a more direct experience of it to transform your life.
As I stated before Jung felt that synchronicity proved his theory on archetypes and the collective consciousness. I would agree with his assessment with the caveat that it has been my experience over 30 years that synchronicity ties directly into the recognition and fulllment of your life purpose or destiny. Once youve learned
to recognize synchronicity in your daily life, you will nd it happening more frequently and it is likely that you,
like myself will begin to believe that synchronicity is a metaphorical means of communication with the higher
intelligence, Universe or God.
Because not everyone holds the same particular doctrine to be true that I do, Ill ease your mind to tell you
that these principles will work for you no matter what your religious background is, or if you believe in God
or not. I will warn you however that when you begin to have these experiences your belief system may be undergoing some changes as mine certainly has over the last three decades.
With that explained, my denition of synchronicity is meaningful coincidences that communicate information about your purpose and its fulllment that occur in a seemingly spontaneous fashion. It has been my
experience and that of many people Ive spoken with or studied, that the inherent power of synchronicity is that
it assists you in understanding your life mission over a period time and assists you in making decisions that are
in alignment with that purpose.

My Experiences With Synchronicity

What initially led me to study the phenomena of synchronicity was not synchronicity itself, but, rather the
need to nd answers to the universal questions. These are the questions like, Why am I here? or Whats the
use? or What is the meaning of life?
I was forced by circumstances I could not reconcile at a young age to grapple with these questions at an
age when most kids are riding their bicyles and playing ball. After having studied most of the world religions,
philosophies, metaphysics and mythology I began to notice common elements in all of them. Engaging in very
serious spiritual practices, whether vision questing and sweat lodge ceremonies, meditation or other rituals,
I nally began establishing a connection with a very real and living intelligence. Ill refer to this intelligence
as God, because after quite alot of drifting I returned to my Christian roots, however, as a Christian, bound by
honesty I will tell you that whenever I reached out, no matter what my doctrine of the day (pick an -ism) this
intelligence reached back.
A couple of the most signicant and incredible experiences Ive had:
I was told by a shaman when I was 15 that my Indian name should be White Crow. It felt good, so I adopted
it. A week later, a murder (ock) of crows gathered in a tree in my back yard. In the center was an albino crow.
My mother witnessed this event right next to me.
In my twenties, I had a dream where a man approached me and told me to get to a Dr., that I had cancer. A
month later I discovered a tumor. I had no benets and worked only part-time. A job with benets showed up
from a resume I supposedly submitted 14 months earlier. (I dont recall submitting it) Just prior to my surgery,
I was laid off and qualied for unemployment and was offered free fully loaded cable for 3 months. The resulting nancial devestation of the medical expenses qualied me to return to college on a grant and my career


How ofWDestiny/Free
My Model










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If we look at destiny as a straight line that runs in tay-linear
through time, this would be the path we
exp fashion
ert. ite
com with our purpose. Imagine yourself on this
follow if every single decision we made was in perfect alignment
straight line moving from your birth through life, and ultimately to death. Now imagine your are like a sh
being reeled in on a hook. You cannot break free however you dont necessarily move straight towards the
shing pole. I represent free will by the sine wave weaving back and forth across the straight line. When we
make choices that are out of alignment with our destiny, we experiences a higher amount of resistance. Things
tend to fall apart. We get frustrated and dont feel like we have meaning in our lives. By contrast when we
follow our purpose we nd that we are lucky and that things work out in ways we could never have planned
any better.

Write down a bad experience
you had that dramatically aeed
you in your life.
Write it inside of the ask.

Now write down a li of positive things that

came about bause of the bad experience.
Write it here by the gold nu.

Assignments This Week

1. Spend some time this week thinking about the idea of synchronicity how Ive presented it. Try to remember
any unusual coincidences that may have occured in your own life.
2. Write down the signicant experiences in your life (pivotal moments or big turning points) on the Arch exercise. Think about the time periods just before, during, and just after these events and see if you remember any
unusual dreams, coincidences or anything else you think may be of note.
3. Print out a copy of the Turning Lead Into Gold exercise and take a bad experience youve had and work it
through the process.

Next Week:
Next week well be studying the following,
Learning the fundamentals of the Universal language.
11:11 the beacon system
Dream and Synchronicity Journal. Critical to implement, you cant measure what you dont track.
Personal symbology. Worksheet.
Clearing away the old vibrations. Lessons in purication.
Media abstinence and getting grounded.

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