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Subject: JOURN-100

II. Week Number: 4 (January 10-16, 2015;Jan.11, 2016;Jan. 18, 2016)

III. Name: Charleen Pearl L. Rayos

IV. E-mail:

V. Course: AB Communications

VI. Student Number: 2014-10092

VII. Country: United Arab Emirates

Give the Functions of the press for the following:
1. Political- Journalists are important because they can monitor those
who are in the government. They have an obligation to inform the
public to make educated discussions on issues concerning
government officials. Some examples of these are articles about the
president and his platforms, or about the upcoming election on May
2. Economic- A journalist must always be ready to report about things
that change frequently, like the economy. They inform people about
the material welfare, employment rates, goods, etc.
3. Sentry- Journalists should acts a watchdog and inform people over
upcoming events that may be a challenge to society. Examples are
reports about ISIS attacks all over the world, because people have
knowledge about these events, they are more likely to take caution.
4. Record-keeping- Journalists are obliged to take-note of anything that
happens locally and internationally. They get these information to
share with the audiences whether these news are old or new.
5. Entertainment- This includes things that entertain and satisfy people.
Movies, books, comics, and celebrities are included in this section.
Journalists keep us updated on news that happens in the
entertainment industry.
6. Social- A journalist is needed to record social events. When there is a
huge gathering in a community, a journalist comes in to report and
share to everyone what goes on in the assembly.
7. Marketplace- This provides the public on information for different
companies. Usually it is about what is good to invest in, what to or
what not to buy. This can also include environmental issues and
individual concerns.
8. Agenda-setting- A journalist gives the public something to think
about. These stories tend to have a large impact on the audience.

Articles where a presidential candidate talks about their platforms

and proposal is an example of this.

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