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Cordero, Anne Louise Renee B.

Personal Development
Gr. 11- St. Bertilla
Ms. Marie Grace Raga
Emotional Intelligence
Domain 1: Knowing ones emotions and being aware of oneself

Ashton and Diana have been the cutest couple for a couple months
in their circle of friends. Both of them were sweet, does a lot of effort, cant
last a day without being with each other, basically relationship goals that
makes people admire them both so much. One day, Ashtons mom called him
up and said they were moving from Los Angeles to Greece for her moms
work. Them being both young, of course they had no choice but to obey their
parents. Ashton couldnt do anything to try and convince his mom for him to
stay in Los Angeles. He was really sad, and nothing but Diana was the only
thing in his mind. He knew he wasnt ready to leave Diana. He already
thought about having a long-distance relationship with Diana, but he also
knew it wouldnt work, especially because they couldnt stand a day without
seeing each other. The day came when he had to tell Diana about him
leaving, and he saw Dianas face devastated with what she heard. She
couldnt think of anything than Ashton and their relationship. She also knew
their relationship would come to an end, so they both made a decision they
never wanted to make-- breaking up. They both got depressed, and Ashton
already had to leave. Both heartbroken, but they knew they have to move on.
Diana, being left, knew that she made the right thing. Maybe not for her
feelings, but for herself. Sleepless nights of crying, thinking, and not being
able to eat, but she eventually got back up and continue her life without
Ashton. She was able to move on, and now being in a new chapter of her life.

Domain 2: Managing ones emotions

Because of the breakup, Diana had sudden bolts of anger, stress,

sadness, and even attempting suicide because of the pain she felt. But then
her friends helped her get over it, let her have an open mind with her
situation, and understanding every view and whats happening. Diana
managed to get through it and was able to accept everything that has been
happening. She knew she couldnt prolong her sadness because it affects not
only her, but also the people around her, and of course her lifestyle.

Domain 3: Motivating oneself

Diana, before Ashton came to her life, was a very huge personality in
their school. She was known for being the star player and captain ball of the
volleyball team, being in her schools dance troupe, and running for Magna

Cum Laude. Being with Ashton, yes she was still very focused on her studies,
but she lay low on her sports and talent. She spent lots of time with Ashton
every day, and on weekends. She was very devoted to him, but Ashton
became a hindrance to her life. When they broke up, she decided to go back
to the volleyball team, and to the dance troupe. She became happy again but
without Ashton. She built herself up, and was able to enjoy her life again.
Love was not in her mindset anymore, because she decided it was not the
best for her while she was studying.
Domain 4: Recognizing emotions in others

After a few weeks, Ashton reached out to Diana when he was in

Greece. He wanted to talk to Diana about the breakup, and he also wanted to
catch up. But with Dianas busy life and a full schedule, Ashton wasnt able to
talk to Diana. Ignored, Ashton left a message on Dianas telegram, saying
that hes just a message away when Diana wants to talk about it.

Domain 5: Handling relationships

When they broke up, Diana knew and decided she doesnt want to
be in a relationship again for maybe the next few years. It would be a
hindrance to her studies and activities. She told herself that shell entertain
suitors when she graduates in College, and by that time, she knew shed be
mature and open minded with relationships. During the process, her friends
were getting their hearts broken, and one was very similar to her. The guy
needs to leave LA for his studies. As a friend, she gave advices and tips to
her friend about it. She helped her friend get back up, and be happy again.

Interviewee #1:
Name: Maureen G.
Gender: F
Birthday: December 4, 1999
Age: 16
School: home-schooled
Grade Level: Grade 11

My relationship with my family is the coolest. With my parents,

especially my mom, I grew up being very close to her. She is my best friend,
and I couldnt ask for more. Everything that happens to my life, I tell her.
Whether it be relationships, school, friends, anythingjust not Math. Also
with my sisters, we have a very strong bond that could really not be broken.
My mom let us grew up being very open to her. She accepts who we are, and
what we want in life. She boosts our confidence, and she pushes us to be the

best. Knowing my friend who interviewed me, I know she doesnt have a good
relationship with parents. I give her advices what to do, and whatever her
parents lack, I try to give her. When she needs support, I support her. When
shes sad, I make her happy. When she has a problem, I listen to her. If she
needs me, I will always be here for her. I explain to her that not all
relationships with parents dont go the way children wants it to be. But just
give them understanding. I told her that when shed have a family when she
gets old enough, be a better parent. Be the parent she wants her parents to
be, and maybe, her child would love her and be open to her the way she
wants herself open to her parents.
Interviewee #2
Name: Ellysa Q.
Gender: F
Birthday: March 19, 2000
Age: 16
School: Manila Tytana Colleges
Grade Level: Grade 11

Im a new student in my school. New people, different

personalities. When the class list was out, I added some on Facebook and
decided to meet them on the first day. At first, the friendship clicked. But a
few weeks after, my views on them has changed. You see, I am very schooloriented. I am grade conscious, and that I cant stand lazy people. And I cant
believe that I made friends with lazy people. They are the people that I never
wanted to encounter in my life. I drifted away from them, and now theyre
backstabbing me. Very funny of them to do that. Crab mentality is circulating,
and its something Im very very allergic to. So instead of dealing with them, I
didnt mind them. I have dealt with people like them in my whole high school
life, and its just lame that they are still like that. So I decided to just shut my
mouth and not think of them. Though every day I hear them talking about
me, and if it really gets out of hand, I will confront them and see if they have
the courage to deal with a strong personality like mine.

My Story:
(just a heads-up, this wont be detailed because Im not really comfortable
telling my problems to other people)

Growing up, I always felt a no-one to my parents. Im with my

step-dad and my mom. When I had a sister and a brother, I really felt like I
was not part of the family anymore, up until the present. I felt like Im just
someone they feed, clothe, and give shelter. I never felt the love. You see
when someone loves you, you will really feel it. But I really couldnt with

them. So I never got open with them, I didnt feel like telling them things that
happen in my life, I never got close with them, and still up until now. Being a
daughter of my parents, even if I feel the worst because of the things going
on between me and them, even if I could be a rebellious child, I just
understood them. Even if they dont feel the love from them, I still do my best
in everything. With performances, courses, and my studies. I chose to be a
good child than being a rebel. I impress them, and thats only the time they
actually notice me. That is what Ive been doing until now.

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