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Interview test

The purpose of this test is to evaluate the abilities to design and implement a small web application. The
deliverable of this test is a file server application, using an enterprise framework of your choice; however,
the framework used and the implementation provided should be as lightweight as possible.

The file server application shall implement the following functions:

1. Storing files
When a file is stored, it will be assigned a unique identifier, using a character string, which must be
returned after the file is stored; the original filename may not be retained; files shall be stored in
some folder structure on disk, with a given root. There is no need to store files exactly as they are
provided by clients; any solution for storing file contents may be accepted.
When designing the storing folders, it must be noted that the underlying file system does not allow
more than 1000 physical files in a physical folder. Also, the actual disk storage may be a network
attached storage, and in any case, the underlying file system may be any (but not limited to) of:
NTFS, ext2, etc.
The solution may be invalidated if a proper storing algorithm is not implemented.

2. Serving files
Based on a valid file identifier, the server shall provide a previously stored file over HTTP.
Care must be taken to be able to locate and retrieve the files as fast as possible, in the meantime
keeping the storage open for updating.

3. Deleting files.
Based on a valid file identifier, the server shall delete a previously stored file, possibly reclaiming the
used space, but not necessarily the file identifier.

User interface shall provide the following functions (closely mapped to the server functions):

1. Storing files
2. Retrieving files
3. Deleting files

To achieve this, the presentation layer shall be implemented using Java Server Pages technology, including
enough elements to perform the listed functions

For questions and additional information:




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