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Correction et commentaire sur leval diagnostic en Premire et terminales

I--Insert the appropriate preposition or adverbial particle into the

blank space (at, for, down, like, to, through, after.
1) I dont know the meaning of this word. I will have to look it up .in a
2) What are you looking at .? I am lookingat.people in the street.
What are you looking for serait possible.

3) I am looking socks. I cant find them anywhere.

4) When my mother is away, I look aftermy little sister.
5) He looks likehis twin brother. They are as like as two peas in a pod.
6) He is afraid of precipices: so he avoids lookingdown.
7) Why dont you ever listen to me?
8) I have been waiting foryou since 10 oclock.
9) To get to St Denis, you have to go to/throughParis first.
The business had to shut down..after the crisis.

II-- Turn the following active sentences into the passive voice:
Le passif anglais se fait comme en franais: tre au temps voulu + pp:
donc en anglais be + participle pass (en ed pour les verbes reguliers):
donc dans les phrases suivantes le verbe tre est inseparable du
participle pass, comme Celine et Ren!!!!!!. ou Laurel et Hardy.
Bien sr dans les phrases que je vous ai proposes lactif, votre
mission est dabord de determiner le temps du verbe active.
Une fois cela fait, vous mettrez lauxiliaire tre au temps voulu et
mettrez ensuite ed s il s agit dun verbe regulier
1)Eats: present de eat: au passif present de tre +pp ici eaten car eat
est un verbe irrgulier. Bien sr eated et ate ne conviennent pas
puisque ce ce ne sont pas des pp!
2)Will punish: futur de punish, donc au passif futur de be= will be
+punished car punish est un verbe regulier
3)We have changed: present perfect de change, donc au passif: present
perfect de be=has/have been +changed: verbe regulier

4)They are building: present progressif donc au passif: be au present

progressif= is being +pp irregulier = is being built. Vous remarquerez
que be et being sont 2 fois le verbe tre. Cest le seul cas avec
was/were being au preterit que vous pouvez rencontrer le verbe etre
cote a cote avec lui-meme. Ce nest pas possible en franais!
5) had visited=pluperfect de visit: donc au passif pluperfect de be=had
been +pp regulier
6) would advise: conditionnel de advise, donc au passif :conditionnel de
be= would be +pp regulier advised: Cette phrase a t loupe par 95%
des lves!
7) would have changed conditionnel pass de change, donc au passif
conditionnel passe passif de be=would have been +pp regulier:
curieusement il y a un certain nombre dlves qui ont bien reussi ici.
8) can visit present du modal can +infinitif: au passif can reste can, et
est suivi de be +pp.
En fr cest le meme principe: Je peux visiter la maison devient la maison
peut tre visite. Peux reste peut, cest l infinitive qui deviant passif.
9)makes fun of: present, donc tre au present +participle pass
irregulier: made et non pas maked: her devient sujet et se transforme
en she: Cela donne: She is made fun of by him: anglais tout a fait
correct quil ne faut pas traduire littralement: cela veut dire elle se fait
moquer par lui; elle est l objet de moqueries de (sa part lui)
10)have to: modal au present qui doit rester au passif +be +pp
irregulier= worn
1) The cat eats the mouse. The mouse is eaten by the cat: est mange
2) He will punish his son. His son will be punished by him: sera puni
3) We have changed the lock twice. The lock has been changed twice:
a t change
4) They are building a new house. A new house is being built: est en
train d tre construite
5) They had visited the castle before. The castle had been visited
before: le chateau fortavait t visit
6) I would advise you to compare the catalogues : You would be
advised to compare: le sujet est you et non pas the catalogues!:
Vous seriez conseill de comparer les catalogues=on vous
conseillerait de
7) She would have changed the babys nappies. The babys nappies
would have been chaged: auraient t changes
8) You can visit the crypt on Sundays. The crypt can be visited
9) He makes fun of her. She is made fun of

You have to wear a uniform in this school. A uniform has to be
worn by you
IIIGive the same information by using the following words:
cant, must, might, ought to, I wish, is likely to)
He is certainly guilty =He must be

He is certainly not guilty because he has an alibi =He
cant be guilty
It will probably rain later in the dayIt is likely to rain: might
rduit la probabilit..
If only I won the lottery =I wish I won the lottery

You should walk at least half an hour every day to keep fit :
You ought to walk: ought to est moins courant que should= devriez
IVA few cultural questions about Britain and the USA
1) Whats the difference between the United Kingdom and
Great Britain.
GB= England + Wales +Scotland : the 3 countries which
make up the Island
UK=GB + Northern Ireland +overseas territories ( Channel
islands; Isle of Man and other islands)
2) Who is the most powerful figure in the UK?: Give his/her
The Prime Minister (Theresa May)

3)Name the 2 legislative bodies making up the British Parliament.

The House of Commons and the House of Lords but the House of
Commons is far more powerful than the House of Lords

3) How would you define the political regime in Britain: a) an

aristocracy; b) a constitutional monarchy; c) an absolute
monarchy; d) an oligarchy (justify your answer).
It s a constitutional monarchy: the Queen/King is merely a
symbol: real power lies with the majority party in the
House of Commons (at present: the Conservative Party
aka Tories)

5) What is London?: The capital city of the United Kingdom

6) Name the capital of the United States.: Washington DC (after its first
president: George Washington)

7) Name the most important political parties in the USA?

The Democrats aka The Democratic Party (symbol: a donkey)
The Republican Party aka The Republican Party (symbol: an elephant)
also known as the GOP (Grand old Party)

8) What does the US Congress consist of?

The House of Representatives (438 Congressmen)
The Senate (100 Senators: 2 per state)
9) What is the most powerful judicial body in the USA?
The Supreme court (9 judges appointed for life by the US President that
must be confirmed by the Senate.

11) How many terms can a US president serve? A) just one; b)

two; c) three at most.
2 terms, so normally 8 years, but if the Vice-president becomes
President by chance if the President dies in office (JFK) or resigns
(Richard Nixon in 1974) he can run for president twice and serve
more than 8years in theory. But he cannot run a third time. F. D.
Roosevelt was the longest -serving President. But the law was
changed afterwards.

Introduce yourself: age, family, brothers and sisters,

hobbies, hopes and expectations, your level in English, your
stays in an English-speaking country (100 words).
A few remarks: I am 16 years old,
I have got a big/older brother/sister
My Level in English is average( not medium), or it could be poor or excellent

I have never been to an English-speaking country ( Present perfect de to be



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