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In This scene, the main character is Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lecter from

The Silence of the Lambs. This can be told because he is in the middle of the
screen right in front of the light.
The white of his prison suit contrasts with the black of the dead police officer
in the background showing a contrast between the good and the bad but they
have swapped, white normally stands for being pure and angelic and black
stands for evil and darkness. The character in the film believes to himself that
he is pure and wholesome when in reality he isnt. The background has very
dull colours making him stand out.
The focus of the camera is on his face and the blood around his mouth
showing the audience what he has just done. The police officer is slightly out
of focus but still visible behind Dr Lecter.
The camera positioning is above Dr Lecter showing that he has done
something wrong but the officer is still below Hannibal, not only because he is
dead, but also because in the scene the fed made a mistake by letting
Hannibal out of his cell.
Hannibal Lecters facial expression is the look of relief and calmness, he is
proud and happy of what he has done. The way he is looking up could
symbolise praying or looking up to someone or something. It is clear that is
has been a while since he has had the taste of human flesh and is happy that
he has finally claimed it again.
The distress around the room contrasts his emotion to which he is very calm

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