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LETIERE AL NUOVO CIMENTO vou. 10, ¥. 13 27 Luglio 1974 A Classical Kubo Formula with Velocity-Dependent Forces. V. Darnacasa and P, P, Lorticr Istituto di Fisica dell Universita - Parma Gruppo Nazionale di Struttura della Materia del ONR - Parma (rieevuto il 30 Aprile 1974) Recently some interest has been devoted to the generalized classical Liouville equa- tion, when nonconservative forces are taken into account (1). Since no effort has been done towards the solution of the transport problem, it is the purpose of this letter to make up a linear response formalism in the electric field which is supposed to be applied to noninteracting charged classical particles acted upon by conservative and nonconservative forces, For the sake of mathematical simplicity the nonconservative part of the force field is limited to the friction case, when the force is proportional to the velocity. As a result we obtain a conductivity formula which is essentially a generalization of the Kubo one (*). Explicit evaluations are given for a classical damped harmonic-oseillator Lorentz gas. Tho total foree acting on each particle is assumed to be “OV : Fett EMO 4=1,2,3, qa) where V is the scalar potential, (z,, p,) are co-ordinates in phase space, m is the mass of the particles, 4 the frietion constant, q the charge, E,(t) the i-th component of a time- dependent electric field E(t). We can then write a continuity equation in phase space for the one-particle distribu- tion function f(r, p, 1): a a 2) ©) G. Gunstom: Physica, 69, 458 (1973). () BR. Kuno: Jou. Phys. Soc, Japan, 12, 610 (1951), bal 542 V. DALLacasA and P, Pp, Lorrict By a suitable linearization in the electrie field we can write this as 3 ay (3) an where (4) and the total time derivative is taken in the absence of E(t). The homogeneous equa- tion (4) is easily integrated to give (*) 3a 0) fol P, 1) = gro, Po) on[ 32 ‘| where 9(ro, Pp) is the initial value of fy at 1=0 when r~r, and p=p,. The general solution of (3) can then be written 2 rsa. on eed (6) Jers pst) = flr, p. oa Be 2 where the primes indicate the appropriate time values. ‘The current density j(¢) is given by 7 iy = 4, [Ew dp p fir’, p'.t) exp etu—e mm jo ffarap 4p £ fe |forape 2 toe wey a2 t eye é as the homogeneous part (5) gives no contribution. By a proper shift of the time we can rewrite (7) as follows: (8) att AE feu ef forcast 50) expla, = ope = 3 a(t) being the Jacobian defined by (9) ar’dp'= Tw) drydp, From the normalization condition on f(r, p, t) at all times it is easy to show that a 0 T(t) = exp|—3~ |, (10) (t) a i ‘| 40, assuming for the electrie field the form (a) E(t) = Eyexp[iot), A CLASSICAL KUBO FORMULA WITH VELOCITY-DEPENDENT FORCES 543 we can put (8) as follows: Aolra» Por 0) az) it) = Exe) [-£ fori Jorsm EP a] 5 Lot us now assume that at t= 0 we have both E=0 and 4=0 and that the system is in equilibrium with the canonical distribution (13) 9100» Po) ea[- (B+ ven) then in the steady state (f+ co) wo can finally write ay Hit) = ow) Ett), where (5) ew) a exp [—iot’] ppp Podt’ , the brackets indicating the canonical average with (13). We then formally find the Kubo (2) classical formula, the only difference being in that the time evolution of the p is determined by the full foree, while the average is taken with the frictionless equilibrium distribution, Generally it is quite difficult to evaluate the correlation function entering eg. (15). In the oversimplified case of a damped harmonie oscillator we ean obtain by @ direet caleulation (*) Aw) 0 0) (16a) Pop 0 Aw) of, 0 O25) m it L ro i eee where seen Oa OO aa @, being the natural frequoney of the oscillator, By introducing (16a) into (15) we find the diagonal part of the conductivity tensor io Ce ne A (Amor which is the well-known result for the Lorentz-oscillator model (4). ©) REF. Rus: Journ, Math. Phys., 1, 209 (1960); 2, 873 (1961), () A. Have: Theoretical Solid Slate Physics, Vol. L (Oxford, 1912), p. 361.

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