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Peter was a businessmans grateful in the textiles industry, in United stated,

he was married with Danica who has been his wife during 20 years ago with
this women, he had 2 sons; the first one was a famous actor in Hollywood and
the second one was a pop musics singer man.
One day, Peter decided to go to Colombia for creating a new branch office,
when he arrived to Colombia, he knew a wonderful women who called Mary in
the airport, she was a Latin women, she had black hair, brown skin and gray
eyes. So, Peter made a decision to talk with her; he asked her about her life
and also her telephone number. Two days later, Peter called Mary for invited
her to go out to drink something and she accepted him the invitation. Over the
time, they fell in love and they began a serious relationship but Mary didnt
know that Peter had a family in United Stated.
Months passed and Peter decided to ask Mary for marriage and she was so
happy about it and she accepted. So, they began to prepare the marriage
because they wanted to be together as soon as it was possible. On September,
they got married and they had amazing days and splendid parties.
Unfortunately, One day when Peter and Mary where enjoying a romantic dinner
at Umm Suqueim Beach in Dubai, suddenly a woman appeared and she started
to insult Peter, this woman was Danica his first wife who was still married with
him. Immediately Mary who attended this situation went out of the restaurant
crying out, meanwhile Peter and Danica were fighting. The following day, Mary
went to a forest far away from Peter. There, she found a peaceful place near to
animals and nature so she decided to buy a house and a cow. Living in the
forest was the best decision for her because she enjoyed listening to the sound
of the birds and the fresh air that the pines gave her every day.
Over time, she traveled to the United States for vacations and she had a
meeting with her friends to celebrate that she forgot.

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