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Team Name: ______Team SeaBears___________________ Date: September 19th, 2016


Team Goal: Learn how to create a real, relevant marketplace-based business plan for short-term commercial real estate
that we can retire on
Team member #1 (Lena): Work with a diverse team, complete the business plan
Team member #2 (Kalyan): Stellar business, learn how to build a marketplace/web service
Team member #3 (Parita): Learn about a different market
Team member #4 (Zheng): Deliver something real and relevant, meet people and get to know everyones wishes
Team member #5 (Ed): Learn commercial real estate, understand 2-sided business plan
Team member #6 (Ryan): Leverage our skills/strengths to full potential, get bought by AirBnB


Our roles and responsibilities for deliverables, such as setting up or updating the Weebly, drafting our interview questions,
etc. are determined week by week during our group meetings. The number of people responsible for each task will vary
based on the amount of work needed.
Initially our subject matter expertise will be provided by Lena but we expect all members of the group to contribute and
distribute readings as we become increasingly proficient in the space.


We have at least one 1.5 group meeting once a week on Google Hangouts 8:30 PM to 10 PM early in the week on Monday or
Tuesday. Agendas are sent beforehand and meeting notes and action items are taken. We typically follow up on our early
week group meetings with either a follow-up for deliverables on Thursday or a sync-up during lunch as Haas.
We use WhatsApp for notifying each other in real-time, and slack for longer archival text discussions. Documents are shared
and collaborated on using Google Docs. Interview results are summarized in a Google Slides presentation linked from the
Weebly, where salient points are summarized and full interview notes are placed in the notes.


We strive for an open team where we feel safe to present and listen to each others ideas. Our diverse set of experiences
should inspire out of the box thinking. In particular, we have deep commercial real estate, design, product management,
value chain and engineering experience on our team, which all bring critical domain knowledge to our start-up.
We named our Team SeaBears, reflecting our diverse geographic split between the Bay and Seattle areas, and titled our
project U-Space with the goal of empowering our customers to solve their commercial real estate needs.

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