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Last version for sb61xx that you need to flash.

Why last? You can mount mtd4 with lots of space for aplications. I will keep rel
easing applications.
Easy Mode: Alpha 3.0
Download here
user: root
password: alpha101
How to change your MAC address and Serial In putty console type the following
cli docsis/Production/prodset
Press ENTER until you get to "Cable Modem Serial Num" or "Cable Modem MAC")
Cable Modem Serial Number is 24 digits
Cable Modem MAC needs to be in this format 00-11-22-33-44-55
Aplications: extract from zip... sbhacker dont let me upload
lzma files.
Tools download here
snmpwalk, snmpset, snmpget, tcpdump, mtdinfo
1) rm /nvram/passwd && rm /nvram/.profile
2) Flash the firmware to UBFI1
3) Once the firmware load
4) enter ssh and type mount-tools (@rootcanal idea)
5) follow the instructions.
---TOOLS PARTITION MOUNTED-----INSTRUCTIONS-----##tftpget the tools into the dev directory
---##command:tftp -l tools.tar.lzma 1069
---##extract the tools.
---##command:tar -xvf /dev/tools.tar.lzma -C /opt/tools
6) you only need to do step 5 on first boot.
Based on the latest komodo firmware: SB_KOMODO-
1) 12-06-2015 - updated small know bugs and added a to do list.
2) 12-07-2015 - updated "to do list" and added release date for new futures.
3) 12-15-2015 - uploaded Tested Alpha 3.0 with snmptools, tcpdump and new SBHack
er logo by @dw5304
3) 12-22-2015 - lots of updates.

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