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Name: David Gao Period:06

Crash Course US History 22: Reconstruction and 1876

1. At the beginning of the video, what does John Green say was always ruining
everything? Reconstruction.
2. What president was left to lead after Lincoln died (and it is obvious that Green
does not think highly of him)? Andrew Johnson the third.
3. For most former slaves, what was land ownership? The key to freedom.
4. Shermans plan promised how much land to former slaves? 40 acres.
5. With the same people in the south owning all the land led to what system of
agriculture? Share cropping.
6. What political party was not happy with the state of the south being pretty much
like it was before? The Republican.
7. What did Andrew Johnson do to the Civil Rights Bill of 1866? He vetoed it.
8. What did Congress then add to the Constitution because of Johnson being such a
racist jerk? The Condition.
9. What types of laws were those found in the MYSTERY DOCUMENT? Slave based
laws racism.
10. Each of the 5 military districts had to ratify what amendment prior to being
allowed back into the Union? The 14th Amendment.
11. Who was able to win the election after the epic fail of the Johnson
administration? Grant.
12. Approximately how many African Americans held public office during Radical
Reconstruction? 2000.
13. Who was the first African American U. S. Governor? Pinkney.
14. In what year was the next African American governor? 1989 Douglad.
15. What do Americans hate that made Republican governments disliked because
they needed this to pay for all the changes? Reconstruction, taxes, schools, and
16. In what year was the Ku Klux Klan founded? 1866.
17. The election of 1876 was really messed up, so who was the eventual winner?
Rutherford B. Hayes.
18. The Bargain of 1877 basically killed what? Southern affairs killed
19. What types of laws limited African American rights to education, legal protection
and voting? Jim Crow laws.

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