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More about Muslim

I had no idea what Islam is all about until I recently carried out this project. I did
not know that Muslims suffer constantly from prejudice or even religious
discrimination in a fanatical form.
In Hong Kong, Muslims are a significant minority group. However, due to the lack
of awareness of Hong Kong people, they subconsciously discriminated against
Muslims based on their prejudices. The majority of us have formed a bad
impression of Muslim people as frequent news about terrorist attacks by ISIS
under the banner of Muslim. Though it does not manifest itself at the extremes,
but it does exist in a pervasive form. Racism is by no means to the same as
religious discrimination. Yet, undeniably race has an inextricable link to religion,
at least most of the Hong Kong people stereotype Muslims on the basis of
In a global sense, Muslims are under attacks with regular verbal confrontation as
we can see in the media such as Facebook and newspaper. As cited from, Terror attacks have everything to do with Islam, (Phillips, M., Nov
20, 2015) the majority of the blame is on Muslims. There are more radical forms
of religious discrimination taking place in all corners of the world. Most people
misunderstand what Islam is all about and they blame Muslims when there is
terrorist attack by ISIS, like the events that have happened in Paris recently.
When I search on Facebook, there are lots of verbal retaliation against Muslims
posted. However, Muslims, whom uphold peace, are not responsible for this issue
and they are as innocent as the victims.
I found myself so naive for not knowing much about Muslims and their religion.
They respect their religion and live with it on a day-to-day basis, which is the
main reason that I respect them so much. Muslims in Hong Kong are
discriminated in a more subtle way when compared to other countries. We have
much to improve so that Hong Kong can be truly worth its name of melting-pot.

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