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The trailer starts with a helicopter shot of a train entering a city, this serves to establish the location

of the film and shows off the high quality animation used. There is also narration talking about how
idyllic the city is which combines with the following brightly lit, well animated shots of animals going
about life in the city to back up what the narrator is saying.

There is then a shot of a rabbit moving into a flat while her neighbours admit to being loud thus
establishing a comedic tone for the film.

There is then shot of a graduation ceremony in which the rabbit is given her police badge thus
establishing the main premise of the film. She is then shown interacting with her colleagues all of
whom dont cooperate with her thus establishing the theme of racial inequality that is present
throughout the film.
There is then a helicopter shot of a tower to suggest a change in time and location.

The next shot is of some news reporters reporting on numerous cases of animals going savage thus
establishing one of the mystery themes present in this film. However, this is quickly dismissed from
the trailer as the rabbit is put on traffic duty in a shot back in the police academy, use of comedic
timing is used to make it seem as though she was going to be assigned to the savagery cases thereby

further establishing a comedic tone.

The rabbit then argues that shes not just some token bunny thereby again highlighting the
allegorical content for racism. There is then a sharp cut to the rabbit preparing to drive away before
the car moves incredibly slowly for comedic effect.

There is then an inter-title telling the audience that this film is from Disney thereby encouraging the
demographics that typically like Disney films to watch it. In the next shot the rabbit is talking to a fox
who she then brings in for being a witness for an unspecified crime thereby furthering the themes of
mystery before slipping away.

Together the rabbit and fox go to the DMV to run a plate where the fox talks up his friend who works
there to be the fastest but is then revealed to be a sloth who runs the plate very slowly as the rabbit
gets increasingly exasperated for comedic effect. Long shot durations without much movement are
used to exacerbate the feeling of slowness for further comedic effect.

Upon a really well animated cable car journey the rabbit tells the fox how she doesnt have much
time left to create a sense of urgency and how they can only solve the case together to promote the
theme of acceptance. This theme of discrimination and acceptance is shown in the following
monolog sequence which has the rabbit being ridiculed and doubting if she is a real cop before
being comforted by the fox. There then follows a series of action shots and other shots of animals
going about life in the city interspersed with intertitles of other Pixar films to assure quality by
association to show off more of the fluid animation synonymous with Pixar films. Then they show

the title with an after title joke of the crime boss Mr Big turning out the be a mouse and a parody of
the Godfather

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