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Dan an American student who is staying with you, wants to go

to the cinema with you and your friends.

Write a note to leave for Dan, In you note you should:
Tell Dan which cinema you are going to
Say what film you plan to see
Suggest what time you will meet Dan. (35-45 word)
Hello Dan,
After asking my friends, we decided to go to the Gran Plaza Cinema. It
is located behind the Stadium. We would to see the last movie of your
favorite actor, Jason Staham.

So, if you dont have any objection,

shall we meet at 6 PM ?

Write story. Your story must began with this sentence: I was
really surprised when I read the email (100 word)
I was really surprised when I read the email; My boss has offered me
an opportunity to go to work in a foreign country. He gave me time to
reflect before taking decision.

I wasnt able to decide between to

accept or refuse because each decision


benefits and risks.

Because If I go out, I will have contact with other people whereas,

if I stay

here, I

wont miss my family and friends. In the end, I

refused this offer because I scared not to have ability to adapt in new
society for me.

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