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Iron Def Anemia

1.Patient problem
Patient problem: Fatique for 3 month(3 years): Chronic: malignancy,
hemolytic, diffuse weakness, merasa pusing dengannaik tangga.
Semakin hari semakin lemas. PF( pale, ttv), hemorrhoid, ractal
bleeding, ca colon,.
2. ^65 tahun, chronic, progresf> malignancy ca colon, hemorrhoid
3.. essential of diagnosis Fe, another and iron def anemia.
Feriatri, finger spoon,
4. Fatique, finger spoon, papile atropy
5. Microcytic anemia: Anemia Hemollytic, yme,
6.SI, TIBC meningkat, and iron menurun
7. ferrous sulfate, eat high fe
8. HB
9. Prolonged no recovery, GI tract

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