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Daniel served as part of the royal court of King Nebuchadnezzar, who reigned in

Babylon from 605 - 562 B.C. The prophecies came in the form of dreams, both the
king's dreams and Daniel's dreams. For most of the details, Daniel was given the
interpretation, but not all. Fortunately, we can look back with the benefit of
history, and the clarification of later scriptures, and can often see clearly wh
at Daniel could not. Ironically, this, in itself, was one of the prophecies Dani
el recorded (Daniel 12:4,9).
Nebuchadnezzar was a king of Babylon. Because of disobediance to God, God had al
lowed some of His people Israel to be captured. What the Babylonians did when th
ey had taken over a country was to take the most important people out of their n
ative lands, and train them in the ways of the Babylonians. They integrated them
into their culture and made them serve their kings. Daniel was such a man. With
this background in place we hope to now examine the Biblical record of the even
ts around Nebuchadnezzar and Daniel.
In this article, we will
cies mean for Israel and
eep in mind that each of
y once we have looked at
's account of the end of

look at several of the key dreams and what their prophe

the rest of the world in the years before Armageddon. K
these prophecies is not meant to stand alone. It is onl
all of the prophecies that a clear picture of the Bible
world history begins to form.

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