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Sarah Sherman
History 8
Frederick Douglass Essay

Name: Frederick Douglass, occupation: civil rights activist.

Frederick Douglass or Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey (his
full name), was born in Tuckahoe Maryland. The year and date of
his birth are unknown but he chose to celebrate it on February
14th. Douglass lived with his grandmother, Betty Bailey, because
his mother died when he was 10 years old. He, a young slave,
was taught by a school owners wife, even though it was illegal.
When Douglass was 16 years old, his owner, Edward covey,
severely beat him. He also tried to escape two times before finally
doing so with the help of Anna Murry. They got married after on
September 15th, 1838 and had 5 children. Their children were
named Rosetta, Lewis, Frederick Jr., Charles and Annie whom died
at the age of 10.

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Frederick Douglass started his abolition speeches when

William Lloyd garrison wrote of him in his novel, The Liberator, he
delivered his first speech at the Massachusetts anti-slavery
societys annual convention. He went on to speak in several other
lectures. In 1845, Douglass wrote an autobiography titled the
Narrative of Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave. He
also wrote other books including My Bondage and My Freedom
and the Life and Times of Frederick Douglass. In 1848, he was the
only African- American to attend the womens right convention in
Seneca Falls. During the civil war time, Frederick Douglass was
one of the most famous African-American man in the country. He
was later the first African- American to be nominated for vice
president of the United States. Fast forward 18 years, Frederick
Douglass attends the meeting of the national council of women in
Washington dc. Shortly after he arrived home, Douglass died of a
heart attack on February 20th. Overall, Frederick Douglass is a
great inspiration.

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Works Cited A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 15 Dec. 2015.

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