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November 2

Verse: John 14: 1-6

14 Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God[a]; ... Thomas said to him, Lord, we
dont know where you are going, so how can we know the way?6 Jesus answered, I am the
way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


There was a time when God gave me a big "NO" in response to a prayer I had for a long
time. Feeling sad, I asked God what He meant by the rejection. Time passed, and my prayers
became more fervent; that No became a sweet "In God's perfect time. I sensed Jesus telling
me, Do not be troubled; trust in Me. I am in control.
I still want this special job. I continue to pray for this desire and hold on to the Lord's
promise, that in His perfect time, this prayer will be granted.
There are situations when we just cant comprehend Gods ways, especially when we still
cant have that one thing we long for the most, even after praying for it, and striving hard to
achieve it. Maybe we need to go through more experiences for us to be ready to receive the gift
of that answered prayer. Or probably, God is allowing our faith to grow. Whatever the real
reason, I have learned that we just need to allow the Lord to have His way in our lives. His plans
are always better than ours, and His timing is impeccable. We need not be troubled. Even before
we were born, God knew what kind of joy and greatness we were meant for. What a great thing
it is to pray for and wait on the grace of a trusting and patient heart!

Guide question: How can I allow the Lord to have His way in my life?

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