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November 5

Luke 16:9-15


We are oftentimes entrusted to do a task that requires our skills. It may be in our own homes, at
school or a work. Whenever this happens, most of us would sincerely do our best to achieve the
desired output. However, more than simply giving us a task because of our skills, the tasks given
to us were, first and foremost, given to us with trust. It is the value of trust that assures the task
giver that we would handle the responsibility and finish it well.

In the gospel, we are reminded of the same thing: to be trustworthy and to serve single-mindedly
for God, our Master. Sometimes, our work and service can make us weary and exhausted
especially when we are asked to tend to smaller things. However, there is no small work
from a Great God. Everything work is important as long as it is given by Him.

Trust is indeed a big word and for us to earn it, let us be honest and faithful even in little things.
Let us live to be trustworthy with the material blessings and the relationships that the Lord
placed in our lives and use them to build Gods kingdom here on Earth by creating a just and
equal society for all, with the aim to glorify our father in Heaven.

GUIDE QUESTION: How am I dealing with the things entrusted to me by God like my
relationships and work/studies?

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