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November 13

Luke 21:5-19
As people, we tend to focus on outside appearances. We initially perceive beauty using just
our eyes like the disciples did when they appreciated the temple.Jesus, however, warned his
disciples about the danger of focusing only on outside appearances. He said that in the future,
many will claim to be His messengers, there will be wars and confusion, and others more will
say that the end is near.
Beyond hearsay, Jesus said there would be real persecutions and hardships ahead for the
disciples. They would be subjected to harsh punishments on account of His name. Almost in
the same breath, Jesus reassured them, saying, all you have to do is to stand firm and fearless
in your faith. Are we ready to face the hardships given to a disciple of Christ?
As Gods disciples, life will never be easy. Obstacles never end; we will get exhausted and
troubled. Sometimes, low points happen all too frequently. We may even consider giving up
serving God or taking shortcuts instead. We will become vulnerable, and sometimes, people
may even hate us for what we do.
Jesus, however, affirms us through this Gospel and through our personal journeys that if we
cling to Him, we will win. Through the difficulties that lead us to the cross, our lives will still
be victorious in Christ.
Guide Question: When were the times that I stood firm in speaking up for Jesus?

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