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There are no afternoons, wind/breeze/gale turned new dewy (crisp/

No dark, only eyes hesitant/skepticl/averse/doubtful/indecisive/reluctant/tmid/h

alf-hearted/disinclined/diffident//uneager irresolute/ of gaze
There are no afternoons, nor
No darkness, only irresolute
No lifeless stars, grains of
No dawn, only ghastly nights

breeze, reborn
eyes, bereft of courage to gaze
sand reaching for the sky
devoured by the sun

The scent of rose chokes the moon

Secrets lurk unsaid inside
For that I search for you.
Give me your hand, fill the spaces between my fingers
The only thing you've left is the scent of your body
Give me your voice, answer all my whispers calling your name
Or, do you wish
to hear my cry
so that all the corners of this space
quiver f my voice
No dead stars, grains of sand floating in the sky
No dusk, only dusk, lost succumbing to the sun
The scent of rose killing the moon
The ___ rose obliterating the moon
Secrets remain silent, unable to speak
For me to search you
Or, do you want me
To scream as loud as I can,
so my voice puslates all the corners of this space
So all corners of this space pulsate by my voice
tak ada sore...dan udara menjadi segar
tak ada gelap...lalu mata enggan menatap
tak ada bintang mati..butiran pasir 3terbang kelangit
tak ada fajar..hanya remang malam semua telah hilang
terserap matahari
harum mawar membunuh bulan
rahasia tetap diam tak terucap
untuk itu semua aku mencarimu
berikan tanganmu... jabat jemariku
yang tinggalkan hanya harum tubuhmu..
berikan suaramu... pada semua bisikanku
memanggil namamu....
atau kau ingin aku..berteriak sekencang-kencangnya
agar seluruh ruangan ini bergetar oleh suaraku...
"Rahasia" is a song by Payung Teduh. It is track #11 from the album

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