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People: Learning to live together

With the vast developments of technology people have more contact with
other people more and more often.
It is inevitable that people from different races, ethnic groups, and religon
cannot escape meeting, living and/or working togehter.
The space between races are, depending on the person you ask, is either big,
small, or there is no space at all.
People say religion is the reason for all the madness in the world, other
people say certain relgions are responsible for it.
People blame others so that they can have something to vent their frustration
out on, while in reality they're just blaming the people who don't deserve it,
and have done nothing wrong.
Holding an entire race, religion responsible for what one of their people has
done is nothing but incomprehensible stupidity and is a very arrogant mind
Blaming the entire group makes the person responsible of it get away scotfree while causing more and more trouble leading to people blaming the
group even more.
I believe we should stop using this mind set of grouping humans with regards
to their race,religion or ethnicity.
I have thought about these issues and have come with ways people of
diverse cultures and backgrounds can live together peacefully.
They are:

to focus and work on the common values and teachings of different

religions and cultures of the world instead of emphasizing on the
differences that tear us apart.For those with no religion, keen
observation of nature is recommended because nature is always at
peace with itself.

to behave like friends to each other with pure heart, sympathy and
good intentions.

to let decent behaviours, sincerity and kindness be our second nature

in life.

to desist from abusing and insulting other peoples holy personages,

cultures and races.

nations should avoid policies that are only beneficial to themselves. For
example, immigration policies, that hinder the coming together of
people of different beliefs.

to show respect, love, understanding and tolerance to all humans

irrespective ofrace and religion.

There might be more points i could've taken, but i believe these points may
help in spreading peace.
Practising these points in our everyday lives is benefitical for everyone.

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