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BBS to BGS: Big Bad Stepmother to Big

Good Stepmother
If you think this is going to be one of those stories where the princess
meets the prince and they live happily ever after, then think again
because this story goes like this:
You've all heard of the classic Cinderella story, you know the one where I
am the evil stepmother and my perfect daughters are the evil stepsisters.
You know how it goes.
Anyways, in this story they made me look like the BBS (Big Bad
Stepmother), but really I was just broken hearted.
I was a divorced single mother and wanted a father for my children. I
went to the annual castle ball to meet some men. My children were still
young so I arranged for a babysitter to come to our house. I was nervous
I wouldn't fit in because of everyone's wealth, but I knew I had to go for
the children's sake.
I wore my finest outfit my purple dress with ruffles, open-toe high
heels, and my blue scarf. I was ready to go!
Finally I arrived. As I was walking in, I bumped into a man. "I am so
sorry," he said. "No, no, it was my fault," I said, which it was, because I
walked into him.
We were talking for a while, laughing and smiling. "My name is Charles,
and yours?" he asked. This isn't like the Cinderella story, I told him my
"My name is Emily, but I must be going now as I left my babysitter at
home with my children and she leaves at the stroke of midnight."

"I also hired a babysitter for my daughter," Charles said, "but she leaves
at 12:30 am."
"Okay, cheerio, nice meeting you," I said.

As I said before, this isn't like the Cinderella story. I had to leave, but he
understood why I had to.
When I got home I paid the babysitter, kissed my children goodnight,
and went to sleep. As I laid in my bed I thought about Charles and if I
would ever see him again.
The next morning I received a phone call from Charles, although my
caller ID displayed 'Prince Charles of Kensington Palace.'
"Hello Emily, how are you doing this fine morning?" asked Charles.
"Very well, and you?" I replied.
"I'm well, thanks," said Charles.
"How did you get my phone number?" I asked.
"Well," he hesitated. "I am sort of a "
"Prince?" I interrupted. "How did you know?" he asked.
"I have caller ID," I said, laughing.
"I'm sorry," he said, "I just don't like to brag about my royal status."
"Don't worry about it," I said. "Anyway, how did you get my phone

Charles exclaimed, "I'm a prince, I have the whole town's numbers!"

"I was wondering if you would like to go to dinner with me on Friday?"
asked Charles.
"Of course, I would love to!" I said.
On Friday I called the babysitter for my children and Charles picked me
up at 7:00 pm. We had a nice dinner and he asked me to go out with him
again. As I told you, this isn't like the Cinderella story; we did not rush
into marriage. He first asked me out!
Two years passed by and he asked me to marry him. With tears of joy in
my eyes, I said I would be delighted. We then told our children, who
were excited with the news and welcomed each other into their lives
with open arms.
Several years later we were raising a lovely family until Charles got very
sick and died. I still get tears in my eyes just thinking about it. I was sad
and upset, and without him I was alone. I did not have much money and
I had to raise my stepdaughter, Cinderella, and my two daughters,
Rebecca and Dana, all by myself.
One day I received a phone call from the Bank of Kensington Palace
asking myself to report there immediately. Once I arrived the bank gave
me a large sum of money with an attached note addressed from Charles
stating that he wished for us to remain living in the castle.
From that point on, everything started to change. The children were
starting high school and we became rich, but our house started to get
very messy. I thought that we needed a maid, but after getting one she
wasn't the best. After going through numerous maids, I reached the
conclusion that no one was able to clean our part of the castle! Then I
saw Cinderella tidying up the toys in her room, which was the cleanest of
all our rooms. I then had the idea that she could be our maid.

"Cinderella, come here please," I asked.

"Coming!" she said.
"Cindy, you know how our part of the castle is messy," I said.
"Yes, I am well aware," said Cinderella, "but not my room," she
mumbled to herself. Her room was very clean, one of the many reasons I
wanted her to be our maid.
"What about it?" asked Cindy.
"No maid is able to clean our part of the castle," I said.
"So how does that involve me?" she asked.
"I thought that maybe you could be the maid," I said.
"So you are going to pay me?" Cinderella replied.
"Ha," I laughed, "why would I pay my own stepdaughter when you can
do it for free?"
"Alright," said Cinderella, with a puzzling look on her face. The only
reason why she said yes is because she didn't want to put up a fight with
Cinderella spent most of her time cleaning. Hey, it's not my fault she
didn't have a life. The way I see it is that in a way I was helping
Cinderella. Her cleaning out part of the castle is sort of like training.
Who knows, she could become a professional maid!
I got very greedy and demanding. Every time Cinderella would do a
good job and get all of her work done, I would give her more work to do.
I only did this because her father was always cleaning around the castle
and was very good at it, so she reminded me of him and that made me

sad that he wasn't there. Every time she finished her work it would make
me so angry that I would give her more work.
Cinderella's friends all knew that her stepmother made her work. Not
long after they found out they created a nickname for me. That's how I
became the BBS. Everyone started to call me BBS behind my back and
they thought I didn't know. I decided to change my ways. The grade
twelve prom was coming up and I was going to tell Cindy that she was
allowed to go.
"Cindy, come here please," I yelled.
"What's up?" she said.
"You're a great maid," I said, "but you have got to enjoy the rest of your
adolescence and I am very sorry I ruined it for you. Go to your prom and
have fun. Please forgive me?"
"Of course I will," said Cindy
"Thank you," I said, "now go to prom with all of your friends!"
Then we hugged and both smiled.
"Thank you, bye BGS," said Cinderella, walking away and waving
goodbye. So maybe I lied about the happily ever after part. That's how I
went from BBS to BGS (Big Good Stepmother)!
Remember to never take advantage of someone because someone else
isn't here. If you have done something wrong in your past, you can still
change your future. I hope all of you BBS's out there become BGS's!

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