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de Sousa Macedo, Lusitania liberata,

Messianismo e Milenarismo no Mundo

London: Richard Heron, 1645
Atlntico da poca Moderna - 2. Semestre
29/9 Aula 4 Novo Mundo, Novas
Gentes, Velhas Profecias
Prof. Dr. Lus Filipe Silvrio Lima
Jorge Canizares-Esguerra, Puritan
Conquistadors: Iberianizing the Atlantic,
1550-1700. Stanford: Stanford University
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25/8 Aula 1 Apresentao
Sanjay Subrahmanyam, O milenarismo do
1/9 Aula 2 Esperana e Expectativa:
sculo XVI do Tejo ao Ganges In: Imprios
categorias profticas e de tempo na
em concorrncia. Histrias conectadas nos
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sculos XVI e XVII. Lisboa: Imprensa de
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mtodos. So Paulo: Aderaldo & Rothschild,
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No. 3.
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Norton, 1959), cap. IV.
Maria Isaura Pereira de Queiroz. Messianismo
no Brasil e no Mundo. 2a. Ed (1a, reimpr),
6/10 Aula 5 A Monarquia Catlica e seu
So Paulo: Alfa-mega, 2003, Introduo
imprio global: revoltas e revolues
contra os Habsburgos Espanhis.
8/7 Semana da Ptria
Antonio Truyol y Serra, La monarqua
15/9 No haver aula - EIHC
hispnica de los ustrias y el reino de
22/9 Aula 3 Esperana, Emblemas e
Francia em Campanella y Juan de Salazar
Iconologia: iconografia de uma
In: V.V.A.A., Funciones y fines del derecho:
estudios en homenaje al profesor Mariano
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Emblem and Ut pictura poesis
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Campanella, Ethno-psychologie, 1973, 103Architecture and Liturgical Theatrics in
New Spain, University of Notre Dame Press,
2004, chap. 2 and 3.
John A. Marino, An anti-campanellan vision of
the Spanish Monarchy and the crisis of
Documentos: Vrios emblemas de Alciato
1595 In: John A. Marino, Thomas Kuehn. A
(diferentes edies); Gravuras de: Antnio

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revisions of law and society in Italy and
Spain. Toronto: Centre for Reformation and
Renaissance Studies, 2004.
Michele Olivari, Milenarismo y poltica a fines
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Ediciones Universidad Salamanca, 1999.
Stefania Pastore. Mozas Criollas and New
Government: Francis Borgia, Prophetism,
and the Spiritual Exercises in Spain and
Peru In: Visions, prophecies, and
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for attaining the universal monarchy of the
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13/10 Aula 6 O Encoberto e o Sebastio
de Veneza: motivos espanhis e
profecias portuguesas na Itlia,
Inglaterra e Frana
H. Eric R. Olsen, The Calabrian charlatan,
1598-1603: messianic nationalism in early
modern Europe, New York : Palgrave
Macmillan, 2003.
Jacqueline Hermann, No reino do desejado, a
construo do sebastianismo em Portugal,
sculos XVI e XVII. So Paulo: Companhia
das Letras, 1999.
Lucette Valensi, Fbulas da memria: a
batalha de Alccer Quibir e o mito do
sebastianismo, Rio de Janeiro: Nova
Fronteira, 1994.
Yves Marie Berc, O rei oculto, Bauru: Edusc,
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of the late and lamentable aduentures of
Don Sebastian king of Portugall... London,
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20/10 Aula 7 Messianismo brigantino,
sebastianismo, cristos-novos e a
Lus Filipe Silvrio Lima, Imprio dos sonhos.
So Paulo: Alameda, 2010, cap. 5.
Maria Ana Travasso Valdez. Historical
interpretations of the Fifth Empire.
Leiden: Brill, 2011.
Charles Boxer, O imprio martimo portugus,
1415-1825. So Paulo: Companhia das

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Lus Reis Torgal. Ideologia poltica e teoria do
Estado na Restaurao. Coimbra: Biblioteca
Geral da Universidade, 1981, vol. 1, pte. II,
cap. III.
Antnio Jos Saraiva, Antnio Vieira,
Menasseh ben Israel e o Quinto Imprio In:
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The Hambledon Press, 1997.
Natalia Muchnik, Antonio Vieira y la dispora
sefard en el siglo XVII in Antnio Vieira,
Roma e o universalismo das monarquias
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Gaetano Sabatini, ed. (Lisbon: CHAM,
2011), 97-120
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aux Terrains. Essais d'anthropologie
historique, Paris: Seuil/Gallimard, 2014.
Documento: Antnio Vieira, Esperanas de
Portugal (1656).
27/10 Aula 8 A Esperana de Israel e
os judeus do Novo e Velho Mundos:
Amsterd, Protestantes ingleses e
Menasseh Ben Israel.
Andrew Crome. Politics and Eschatology:
Reassessing the Appeal of the 'Jewish
Indian' Theory in England and New England
in the 1650s, Journal of Religious History,
2015 [on-line preview only], doi:
Braude, Benjamin, Les contes persans de
Menasseh Ben Isral. Annales. 49.5
Richard H. Popkin, The rise and fall of the
Jewish Indian Theory In: Yosef Kaplan,
Richard Henry Popkin, Henry Mchoulan
(ed.). Menasseh Ben Israel and his world.
Brill, 1989, p. 62ss.
Bodian, Miriam, Hebrews of the Portuguese
Nation: Conversos and Community in Early
Modern Amsterdam (Indiana: Indiana
University Press, 1999).
Cogley, Richard W. The Ancestry of the
American Indians: Thomas Thorowgoods
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America (1660), English Literary
Renaissance. 35, 2 (2005).
Marriott, Brandon, Transnational networks
and cross-religious exchange in the

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Tribes of Israel. Farnham, Surrey, England :
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Wall, E.G.E. van der, A Philo-Semitic
Millenarian on the Reconciliation of Jews
and Christians: Henry Jessey and his 'The
Glory and Salvation of Jehudah and Israel'.
in Sceptics, millenarians and Jews, David
Katz and Jonathan. Israel, ed. (Leiden: Brill,
Documento: Menasseh Ben Israel, Esperana
de Israel (1650), Spes Israelis (1650) e Door
of Hope (1651).
3/11 Aula 9 - Fifth Monarchy Men e o
novo Sio: da Nova Inglaterra para a
velha Albion durante a Revoluo
Bernard Capp, A Door of Hope Re-opened:
the Fifth Monarchy, King Charles and King
Jesus. Journal of Religious History, vol.32,
n. 1, 2008.
R.W. Cogley, John Eliot and the Millenium.
Religion and American Culture, v. 1., n. 2
(Summer 1991), p. 227-250.
Jeffrey K. Jue, "Puritan millenarianism in Old
and New England" In: Coffey, J.; Lim, P.C.H.
(ed.). The Cambridge Companion to
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J.F. MacLear, New England and the Fifth
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David Armitage, The Cromwellian
Protectorate and the Languages of Empire.
The Historical Journal, Vol. 35, No. 3 (Sep.,
1992), 531-555
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description of the Fifth Monarchy, or
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Lawes thereof, and the surpassing Glory,
Amplitude, Unity, and Peace of that
Kingdome. London: Printed by M. Simmons,
and are to be sold by L. Chapman, 1653.
10/11 Aula 10 Tolerncia, Converso ou
Destruio do Outro? O papel proftico
dos gentios, hereges e infiis em um
Imprio Cristo.
Jonathan Schorsch, Atlantic World: Swimming
the Christian Atlantic : Judeoconversos,
Afroiberians and Amerindians in the
Seventeenth Century. Boston: Brill, 2009,
ch. 9.
Matt Goldish, The sabbatean prophets.

Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2004,

chap. 1-2
Marya T. Green-Mercado, The Mahd in
Valencia: Messianism, Apocalypticism and
Morisco Rebellions in Late SixteenthCentury Spain. Medieval Encounters 19
(2013) 1-28
Documento: O encoberto maometano, ou
Mohaidin redivivo (1712)
17/11 Aula 11 Os discursos contrrios:
utopias, repblicas perfeitas e poder
absoluto civil.
J.C. Davis, Utopia y la sociedad Ideal. Mxico:
FCE, 1985.
Enrique Martnez, Vieira em Espaa: los
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org., Vieira escritor, Lisboa: Cosmos, 1997,
p. 205-216.
Richard Kagan, Politics, Prophecy, and the
Inquisition in Late Sixteenth-Century Spain
In: PERRY, M. E.; CRUZ, A. J. (ed.). Cultural
Encounters: The Impact of the Inquisition in
Spain and the New World. Berkeley:
University of California Press, 1991, p. 105120
Documento: Ephraim Pagitt, Heresiography
24/11 Aula 12 Encerramento

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