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Moving toward a topic:

Make a list for each category:

1. What are some psychological issues presented in this book that affect us

2. What are some criminology and forensics problems addressed in this book
that challenge us today?

3. What are some financial and economic issues faced by Chicago and the
organizers of the Worlds Fair that continue to plague us?

4. What is the books take on the benefits and challenges of success (however
we define that). Why does the notion of success continue to elude us? (This is
awfully general, so please try to use specific examples from the book)

5. Assumptions made about the value of architecture and city planning that we
continue to debate today?

6. List some connections between civic responsibility and the notion of justice
presented in this book (Is only one person responsible when the mayor is

7. The importance of beauty and art in a city or society.

8. Issues pertaining to our emphasis on innovation and technology

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