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Name: Chia
Age: 25
Time zone: GMT+7
Roleplaying experience: I started roleplaying in late 2011 for
Bleach fandom. When my group disbanded around summer 2012, I
tried writing for Fairy Tale fandom but it didnt last long since I
became too busy with my clinical rotation as junior doctor soon after
that. At the beginning of 2014, my best friend invited me to run our
own roleplay group that was based on the popular Attack on Titan;
but again, life caught up to me right away and I had to drop my
spot. The very last time I wrote in the context of roleplaying was
around the end of 2014, with a zombie apocalyptic-themed group. It
lasted several months before people started disappearing into thin
air and the ones that remained active were too busy plotting love
stories that anything other than romance will attract absouletly zero
enthusiast. I end up barely getting replies for anything I wrote even
after I tried socializing in the OOC blog and responding to open
starters. So after a while, I decided it was no fun anymore and quit.
But yeah, in terms of experience, all of these groups required me to
write in para, so of course I am willing to write more than just oneliners. After all, Im that type of person who enjoys deeper, more
thoughtful interactions, turtle-speed relationships, and the small
details that come with the package. I think short coversation is fine,
though, especially to help keep the muse going while waiting
between responses.
Activity level: Im a doctor and currently assigned to the wards,
working from Monday to Saturday at 8 am-2 pm. The job is not that
busy, actually, so for now, I can write almost whenever I want. In 3
weeks, however, I will move to the ER and have 4 working days
followed by 2 days off in every cycle. While my free time may not
seem too regular, I dont go out very often unless I really need to;
therefore, I can spare enough moment to roleplay. Besides, when
Im on a night shift, I usually have nothing to do in the morning;
might as well use the opportunity to catch up with you guys.
How I found out about this roleplay: Google.

Character Im applying for: Taeil Park
What drew me to this character: At first, it was simply because
were both Asians. Living on the other side of the world, television
and internet are my only source to learn about America, so I guess
its just reasonably safer for me to start by writing someone whose
background Ive naturally become quite familiar with. But as I
studied his features, I figured that he might expose me to a new
experience, since most characters I wrote in the past used to be the
usual confident-and-fun-yet-angsty type, while Taeil seems to be

more quiet and shy. Not to mention that I have never really written a
male as my main character before.
What Id like to take out/add in/change about this character:
I actually kinda want him to have a much-younger sister or female
cousin... Maybe around 9 or 10 years of age? And I want to picture
him looking for this other character sometimes... But only if Im
allowed to. And I think for now, we should see how things go first
since Im still a newcomer.
Quote that describe my character: As the sound of the
playground faded, the despair set in. Very odd, what happens in a
world without childrens voices.
Characters weapon of choice: Since he lacks proficiency in
combat to begin with, I believe Taeil prefers less complicated
weapons, such as hunting knife and machete. If he does not really
need to, however, he will always try to avoid those deadly tools and
just use anything he can find to defend himself and the ones he
cares about, including frying pan and broomstick.
- Even though hes definitely not the bravest kid around the block,
Taeil is willing to do whatever it takes to maintain the peace inside
the wall. He is not the type to kill zombies, let alone people, with
no particular reason, but Taeil understands that in a life and death
situation, sometimes you just have to pull the trigger and take
your enemy down.
- Contrary to popular belief, Taeil never really likes video games. He
is more into trying something new everyday, be it through
creating mini experiments or by reading books and surfing the
internet. He is also open to the concept of learning by doing.
- Growing up in a typical Asian family, Taeil was expected to master
a musical instrument. He is a natural violinist, but thanks to his
mothers determination to give him private piano lessons every
weekend, Taeil eventually figured how to work the keys.
- Taeil is no master chef, yet when it comes to basic soup, rice, and
sea food, he knows just how to process them without triggering
the fire alarm.
- While he usually appears to be rather quiet, Taeil can easily get
along with kids. He is very patient and gentle toward them.
- He may appear to be quite most of the time, but Taeil surely has
observant eyes. Hes exceptionally good at reading face
expressions and body languages. He also tends to spot little
details that are missed by most people. But when it comes to
social matters like peoples names and not-so-remarkable events,
Taeil somehow always has a problem memorizing them. When he
manages to remember, however, this can only mean two things:
either he develops a huge interest in the issue or it gives him a
deep trauma.
- He has excessive fear of height, snakes, and thunder.
- In terms of sports, Taeil is pretty fast at running yet he cant swim
to save his life. He almost drowned once when he was in the

kindergarten and never wanted to go anywhere near a pool or

lake ever since.
(Thats all Ive got so far. Pretty sure Im still going to make things
up as we go, though...)
Thoughts about my character suffering serious injury or
Thats totally fine! I mean, I will still be sobbing in a corner if that
happens to him, but you know... Problems make our life more
interesting, right?
My character explaining who he is:
My name is Taeil Park. I grew up as the fish that was judged from my
ability to climb a tree. To the society, I was never good enough. No
matter how many straight-As I had scored my whole life, I was
never good enough. They said I was different. And they said I was
easy to silence.
Unfortunately, I believed all that. I allowed these thoughts to define
who I was. I let people who had nothing to do with my success
destruct me. Then I shut the ones who actually had my back off.
Until it was too late.
Now that the world is coming to an end, everything I thought I knew
has completely changed. I have lost my parents, my home, my
future. Society no longer exists, nor does their standard. Theres no
more dream to pursue. Theres no one left to prove my worth to.
The only rule remains is to survive, so as long as I can stick to it, I
just have to keep telling myself that I am good enough.

(OOC: Somehow I imagine Christopher doing this kind of ad with this

song as the background music... I dont know if I make any sense,
but yeah...)
Anything else? Coldplay, The Script, Hans Zimmer, Snow Patrol,
Strays Dont Sleep. I dont usually create a characters playlist
based on my favorite musicians, though.

In a world where time seemed to stand still, it was surprising how quickly
everything turned from mind-blowing to blah, especially for a curious cat
like Taeil. Sometimes he even thought the human race would eventually
extinct out of chronic boredom before the whole army of the dead
completely taking over.
Today was different, however, as one of runners handed him a small drone
to fix. The South Korean wasnt very certain why he was chosen to do the
task when he believed they had far better tech-savvy geeks in the
community, and yet he didnt complain. After all, the reason was most

likely simply because he was the only nerd-looking guy that randomly
hung out around the gate to welcome their return this morning.
Well, lets get you back to business, then, Taeil muttered as he started
loosening some tiny screws. The problem didnt appear to be very
complicated, but working with limited equipments was surely challenging.
Back in his house lab, the engineer-wannabe used to have just the right
set of tools that would become a great favor in such ordeal. While he did
hope he could pay a visit to his old place to reclaim his stuff one day, Taeil
still wondered if their usefulness would be worth all the inconvenience to
take him there. After everything that had happened at the school, the area
was declared to be unsafe and by the look of the situation, it would stay
that way for a while.
There, Taeil wiped some dust that began to clump on his forehead when
he finally finished the reparation after four long hours of non-stop
hardwork. The only thing to do now was to put the choppers flying ability
to test. If everything turned out well, this might be a nice breakthrough to
aid the development of the community.
Of course the backyard became his location of choice. Where else could
you try your new toy to your heart content when you were Taeil the lone
wolf? For the first few minutes, things went exactly as he expected.
Initially, the former highschool student tried to keep the drone within his
sight because he was still learning how to control it properly. Little by
little, with him slowly getting the hang of it, Taeil gathered the courage to
fly it farther and farther away. It wasnt until the mini airship showed
significant signs of shakiness that he realized it was already passing the
safe zone.
His multiple attempts to stabilize it were all to no avail. Before another
word of curse could escape his lips, the drone already dropped off the sky.
Lucky enough, a branch of an elm tree managed to stuck its tip between
one of the propellers. It wouldnt stay that way for too long, however,
since the drone was pretty heavy despite its size while the branch itself
seemed to be pretty frail Taeil unconsciously held his breath when he
heard it softly cracked. He knew he was running out of time. He needed to
get out there, right now, before the drone actually hit the ground and
broke. It still had so much potential to help the community that he wanted
to explore. He would never stop blaming himself if he let this opportunity
be a waste.
Now the question is how in the world would he get there by himself and
come back in one piece? Or even better: how the hell would he retrieve
the drone when he couldnt even climb the tree? The branch was too high
to be reached with a pole.

So it left him to one last resort: he had to ask for help. And hed better be
(OOC: I apologize for any inaccuracy regarding to the setting, Im still
learning to get familiar with it. If youd like to make any correction, Im
always open to feedback. And since I no longer run a personal Tumblr,
please kindly contact me via email to for news and
follow-ups. Thank you~!)

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