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Pesgomo -Sentence
102. Mavurba Song of Mary
103. Penkisa Group of books
104. Hovoro - White
105. Koodosh Eetho Purification of the Church
106. Hoodos Eetho Dedication of the Church
107. Shubqona Remission of Sin
108. Pethoortha Variety of dishes
109. Pathira - Sacramental bread
110. Oxios - Worthy
111. Shamoosa 112. Beskudissa Place of holiness
113. Dukarono - Remembrance
114. Uhdana - Remembrance
115. Maharon - Excommunication
116. Manesso Song of Praise
117. Sheehana - Hell
118. Penkisa - Group of books
119. Anido Departed Soul
120. Slomo Peace
121. Messiah The Anointed/Christ
122. Thooyoba Preparation for service in secret
123. Thubden But again
124. Morio - Lord
125. Bovoosa Songs of Intercession
126. Manesso Songs of Praise
127. Oriatha The five books of Moses
128. Hasho - Suffering
129. Suboro Feast of Announciation
130. Yeldo Birth of Christ
131. Denho - Dawn
132. Mayaltho Presentation of Jesus at the temple
133. Shoonoyo Passing away/death
134. Memra - Speeches
135. Sugeeso Additionl(a kind of song)
136. Kasoliki/Qathuliqi Universal; The litany before the Lord's Prayer
137. Kahanoosa Priestly duty
138. Bar-aloha Son of God
139. Eesho - Saviour
140. Karosoosa Prayer of proclamation
141. Bema The portion of the church between the sanctuary and the nave
142. Bukra The first ceremony performed by the priest after ordination
143. Karosutha - Proclamation
144. Kushapa - Supplication
145. Shushefo The veil or the anaphora covering the chalice and paten
146. Suraiya Starting Prayer
147. Turgama - Explication
148. Hosanna Save now
149. Kabar - Tomb
150. Danaha - Ressurection
151. Dayara - Monastery
152. Peelasa Paten/Plate

153. Malpan - Teacher

154. Mamdana - Baptist
156. Osthi 157. Kapyar - Steward
158. Kurishu - Cross
159. Kontha - Rosary
160. Koventha Monastery
161. Maranaya The Lord's Important
162. Anaphora Lifting up/Bringing near
163. Alma - World
164. Arulikka Plate that keeps the parts of the Holy Girdle
165. Ekbo Stanza
166. Vaidikan 167. Purohithan 168. Achan 169. Pattakkaran 170. Pathiri 171. Sakrari 172. Papa - Father

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