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1. Breakfast heavy, Lunch - good and dinner should be light.

2. Avoid oily & spicy foods Dalia / Idli / corn flakes is best for digestion in breakfast.
3. Try to take boiled vegetables instead of oily.
4. Avoid drinking water immediately after taking meal minimum gap should be 30-45 minutes
5. Lassi ( of curd ) can be taken instead of water while taking meal for digestion.
6. Once in a week fast should be observed this will work as overhauling and cleaning of body
7. Juice or Neembu soda is best during fast for stomach cleaning.
8. Immediate walk should be avoided after lunch / dinner.
9. Namaz Aasan (Sitting on foots ) can be done after taking dinner.
10. Avoid sleeping immediately after dinner- there should a gap of 2-3 hours.
11. Laughing is a good medicines. A person must laugh every day to get relief from stress.
12. Similarly, Weeping is also must once in a month to get relief and to avoid heart diseases.
13. Clapping is must it will work as acupressure.
14. For joint pains / knees problems Drink potato water in the morning ( potato to cut with
15. Take Haldi Milk for joint pains too after breakfast but before lunch ( Sabut Haldi to rub & use
16. For Migraine problems Use pure Cow ghee and suck it through nose.
17. For BP/Diabetic patients Take Methi Dana/ Jamun Ki guthli / Neem ki Namoli with chhilka /
Karele ka beez / Tej Patta in equal quantity and make powder after drying it Take one spoon
18. LASON ( garlic ) - 3-4 pieces in a day with water in the morning before breakfast is good for
19. Avoid onion with milk for skin problems.
20. Tulsi ka Ras with honey is good for headache.
21. OM UCHAHARAN is good for sound body and mind concentration.

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