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A Twisted Marshmallow Love Story

This is the story of how I, an ant, and a marshmallow fell in love. There were happy
times, sad times and even painful times. And this was how it all started
It was love at first sight. We met on a warm, sunny day. Under the clear blue sky, she sat.
I crept slowly towards her. She didnt move or say anything. I sat beside her.
Hello, my name is Leo. Whats yours? I asked. She remained silent but I felt a
connection and immediately understood her.
After that day, we met several times. We told jokes together, ate meals together and
played together. There was no real reaction from her but I didnt care I just wanted to be with her.
But then one day, it was raining hard. We were supposed to meet that day but the rain
poured ceaselessly. I decided to ignore the endless rain and meet her but when I reached our
usual spot, I saw her with another ant. He was shielding her from the rain with a leaf. I felt
myself boiling over in fury. I lunged forward at the unsuspecting ant who was sitting beside my
beloved. He hit his head on a rock and blood spilled out of his head.
But I still wasnt satisfied. I leapt at the double-crossing little thing. The moment I
touched her was nothing like I ever felt. Her body was soft and smooth. I suddenly felt hungry.
What came next happened so fast it was like lightning. I ate her. The lingering sweetness was
still in my mouth.
When my anger subsided, I took in my surroundings. As if on cue, there was thunder and
lightning and realization hit me like a huge rock. I killed them both, the ant and my beloved. I
felt my heart shatter at seeing my beloved, or at least whats left of her.
I stumbled backwards and my hand landed on something sharp. I lifted it up and saw it
was a rock. I suddenly had a flashback of my memories with my beloved.
I want to go to the moon. I whispered.

I raised the rock high into the air as more flashbacks came to me. The rain had poured
harder than ever before. And I, sitting beside my beloved, plunged the rock into my heart.
Everything went into slow motion. The world around me blurred. My head was spinning. But the
rain stopped so suddenly. Then I fell to the ground, dead.
And that was how my story ended.

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