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SOLUTIONS TO FIRST EXAM-B 1. a, The vectors are linearly independent because they are not multiples. (More precisely, neither vector is a multiple of the other.) 5 = 3-500 =o) ~ | 0-8 4 0 | ‘The set of three vectors is linearly dependent a4 on 0 000 because the cami Ax = 0 has a free variable and hence has a nontrivial solution, See 1.6: Exercises 7-24 ¢. ‘The enhirnns are linearly dependent: heeause one enkunin is the xen vector 2-1 2. a The se of wo vets cana span 32 ya thar, beens she ate | 8 “| can tre st at to ph a1 positions and h nce will not have a pivot in each row. See Theorem 4, p. 42. b. ‘The row reduetion in 1(b) shows that the matrix does not have a pivot position rd row. By a theorem, the columns of the matrix do not Jam R’, ioe oe 0 © “ % ° -5 | ~|0 3 0 —9 ]. There is a pivot position in each row. By a 0 007 nthe U theorem, the columns span 3. A(X +B) =CA. Since A is invertible, we can left-multiply both sides by A~1, and obtain A~'A(X + B) = ACA, so X+B=A'CA,and X=A'CA-B. See 22: Ex 17,19 4, nation tough 362 rain mor 0 [ 8] nd moet [8] ny 8 on he dd ma es ince A is square with linearly independent columns, A is invertible, by the IMT. By another theorem, the equation 1 has a unique solution for every b in B®. (Another justification, for example, could omit the IMT and the mention ivot column, because the equation Ax = 0 has only Live Lrivial solution. ‘Then, since A is square, the pivots must fall on the main diagonal of A. Since Uners is @ pivot in eaeh row of A, the equation Ax =b has a solution forall b, by a theorem. ‘The solution is unique because there can be no free variables.) See 2.8: Exercise 19, 43 of a theorem, and simply explain that every column of A must be a 6. The stated condition implies that A is not invertible. So every statement about A in the IMT is false. ‘Therefore the transformation x Ax cannot map B® onto B®, and this transformation is not one-to-one. (You need not mention that the transformation is not invertible, because the concept of an invertible transformation was in material that was specifically excluded from the exam.) See 2.3: Exercise 21 7. ‘The first cohumm of CD is the sum of cohmms 2 and 3 0CD. Let D = [di +++ dy}. By definition of matrix multiplication, Cla dy] =[Cdi_ ++ Cds}. Since dy = dy + dz, by hypothesis, a property of matrix-vector multiplication shows that Cdy = C(di + da) = Cai + Cds. (You could also say that the columns of CD are linearly dependent, but the main point I wanted was how the columns of CD are related.) See 2.1: Exercise 19 8. The columns a1,... ,@) are linearly independent if and only if the equation x19) +282 + +++ %,8%y = 0 has only the trivial solution. This equation can be rewritten in the form Ax = 0, by definition of Ax. So the columns of A are linearly independent if and only if the equation Ax = 0 has only the trivial solution.

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