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A Birth and Childhood

- Named on the eighth day (Luke2:21)

- Taken to Jerusalem to be offered to the Lord (Luke 2:2238)
- Jesus grows up in Nazareth (Luke 2:39-52)
- Taken to temple in Jerusalem (Luke 2:41-50)
B Beginning of His Ministry
C Jesus Ministry in Galilee
- Jesus rejected by the people of Nazareth (Luke 4:16-30)
- Leper healed (Luke 5:12-16)
- Jesus raises the widow on Nains son (Luke 7:11-17)
- Jesus anointed with perfume (Luke 7:36-50)
D Ministry in Judea and Parea
- Jesus at the home of Lazarus, Mary and Martha (Luke
- Jesus accused of being in league with Beelzebub (Luke
- Jesus rebukes religious leaders (Luke 11:37-54)
- Crippled woman healed (Luke 13:10-17)
- Man with leprosy healed (Luke 14:1-24)
- Parables (Luke 15:1-32)
- Jesus returns to Galilee (Luke 17:11)
- Healing of ten lepers (Luke 17:12-19)
- Jesus teaches (Luke 17:20-37)
- At the home of Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10)
E Jesus Final Week
- Appearance before herod (Luke 23:6-12)
F The Resurrection
- Jesus appears to two disciples on Emmaus Road (Luke
- Sunday Evening-seen by 10 disciples (Luke24:36-43)
G The Ascension

A. The coming of Jesus and John the Baptist

- The birth of Jesus and some childhood events
B. The public ministry of Jesus, including the Baptism and
C. The beginning of Jesus ministry, The 12 Apostles
- Displayed his powers
The power to forgive sins
The power to know our thoughts
iii. The power to heal people
iv. The power to bring peace
The power to control nature
- Teaching the principles for living in Gods way of life
D.The feeding of five thousand people with 5 loafs of bread and
two fish
E. The ministry of Jesus in Judea
- Gave instructions to his followers on how to help people
through discipleship
To pray effectively to God
To not act hypocritical and judgmental
iii. To not worry about the concerns of life but instead
trust God
iv. To repent or perish
F. Teaching of life through parables
G.Betrayal, Trial, Crucifixion, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ
- Betrayal of Judas to Jesus
- The Last Supper
- Gives final instruction to his followers on how to live and
how to rely on God
- He confirms He is the Son of God
- Resurrection of Jesus and His ascension to heaven

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