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Maxwell Horace Maxwell Horace Maxwell Horace ‘Amandal How are you? Fine Good, good, good! Come in, come in, come in Thank you Gerry brings Amanda over to Horace. ‘Amanda, Fike you to meet one of my oldest ends ~ George Wilberforce How do you do, George ‘Actual, ny name tt George lente? No. ‘Wat is it then? les Horace Smith, actualy (Of cours itis! Amanda, Fike you to meet one of my dearest frends, Horace Smith-Actualy Tes just Sth, actualy “That's what | sai, Tim very leases to meet you, Me Actually No, Sith actually, (Oh yes Me Smith-Actualy No, no, na...My name isn't Sith-Actaly, atl.’ jst Sth, actualy, im sure itis Have a dink, Amanda Yes, Gert ‘Come and havea look at the garden, Ok, ‘Amanda goes into the gorden with Gerry. Your drink, sr: “Thank you. She's very nice, ft she? Yes. sir Very ace indeed. 1 tke to go out with her. Would you, sit Yes, very much, The trouble i, never know what to say when | mest people ln that cas, sr | thik you need tis book ‘Maxwell shows Horace @ book. What is?

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